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10 Benefits You Can Get From A Morning Shower

Mornings are a source of happiness, when the light of the sun that is not too hot coupled with the cool air in the morning is pleasant. One way to make your body feel fresher and more energized throughout the day is to take a shower in the morning. In addition, there are various other benefits that you can get by taking a shower in the morning, you know. Anything?

Various health benefits of a morning shower

Not only important for personal hygiene, but taking a shower in the morning is also beneficial for body health.

To find out what are the benefits of a morning shower for health, see the reviews below:

1. Increase productivity

morale at the cafe

Bathing in the morning, especially with cold water, provides the benefits of high productivity.

This is because the splash of cold water in the morning can make our bodies “wake up” faster, such as by increasing the heart rate, pumping blood flow throughout the body, and increasing the rhythm of breathing.

Plus, exposure to cold water also increases the body’s metabolism so that body temperature remains stable.

These effects will make you more energized and productive during the day.

2. Reduce pain

In fact, pouring cold water while bathing over the head can provide benefits in the form of pain relief in the body.

According to a study from North American Journal of Medical Sciences, cold water can have an effect similar to that of a local anesthetic to relieve pain.

Furthermore, exposure to cold water also helps constrict blood vessels, thereby reducing the swelling that triggers pain.

Cold water also slows down the speed of the signals that carry pain to the brain.

3. Reducing the risk of stress and depression

the benefits of a hot bath

Taking a shower in the morning has unexpected benefits for your mental health. Apart from boosting your mood, taking a cold shower in the morning also reduces symptoms of depression.

Quoted from Psychology Today, a cold shower is similar to the hydrotherapy method, which is a treatment done with water.

One of the benefits of hydrotherapy is to treat symptoms of depression. How can?

A cold shower helps release the hormone norepinephrine, which helps improve mood in people with depression.

Not only that, cold water also increases the production of beta-endorphins in the body, so you will feel much better.

4. Improve blood circulation

If you want to improve blood flow, you can try a warm bath in the morning to get these benefits.

Warm running water during a shower is not only good for blood circulation, it can also relax the tension in our muscles and joints.

Although it may not make the stiffness problem go away forever, showering in the morning can stimulate healing, relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

5. Increase immunity

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Want to have a healthy body and not get sick easily? Well, you can get these benefits by taking a cold shower in the morning.

A study from a journal PLoS One conducted a study involving 3,000 participants who took a cold shower in the morning for 30 days.

From the results of the study, there was a 29% reduction in the number of sick people. This decrease is getting bigger, which is around 54%, if it is accompanied by regular exercise.

However, it is not certain what cold water has to do with the body’s immune system.

6. Relieve symptoms of nasal congestion

If you are suffering from nasal congestion due to cold, flu, or other respiratory problems, you can try to get the benefits of a warm shower in the morning. How can?

With a warm bath, the steam from the water will help loosen phlegm and mucus in a matter of minutes.

When the phlegm and mucus become thinner, you can get rid of it easily.

Hot baths are also known to relieve body aches caused by the flu or fever.

7. Suitable for cooling down after sports

shower too long

For those of you who like to exercise in the morning, taking a shower with cold water will provide benefits to restore your body after exercise.

An article from Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that cold water therapy helps speed up the body’s recovery after exercise.

Not only that, cold water is also believed to reduce high body temperature due to exercise.

However, make sure you don’t shower immediately when your body is sweating. Let your body temperature drop on its own and adjust your breathing for a few moments.

8. Reducing the risk of heart disease

Taking a warm bath in the morning can benefit your heart health. This is proven through a study from the journal Heart.

The study examined the bathing habits of 30,000 participants over 20 years. Some aspects that were asked were how often they showered, and how the temperature of the water was used.

As a result, people who took a warm bath every day had a 28% lower risk of developing heart disease than people who showered less frequently.

Remember, don’t use the water temperature that is too hot, OK. Bathing with a temperature that is too high actually risks causing blood pressure to be too low.

9. Warm up well before exercising

soak in hot water

Take a warm shower before running or going to a sport the gym is one instant way to warm up the body.

It turns out that it can relax stiff body muscles after sleeping all night.

This way, your body will be much better equipped to deal with various physical activities in the morning, especially if you want to exercise in the morning.

So, there are 10 benefits of bathing in the morning, either with cold water or warm water.

Some people may prefer to take a warm bath because of its calming effect. However, not a few also prefer cold showers to get instant freshness.

Whatever choice of water temperature you use, make sure you don’t skip a shower routine in the morning, huh.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.