15 Interesting Facts About Lefty People • Hello Sehat

Ten percent of the world’s total population are left-handed people. As a minority in the world mainstream, they have to live according to a plethora of gadgets, office stationery, cooking utensils, and various other objects that are made to meet the needs of right-handed people.
The brain and body of the left-handed person operate differently than in the right-handed person (and in ambidextrous people, whose hands are the dominant hand for different tasks). “Left-handed or not, seems to be determined in a very early stage in fetal development, when a lot of other things about your future are being determined too,” says Ronald Yeo, PhD., Professor of psychology at the University of Texas, United States.
Here are 15 weird but interesting facts that not much is known about left-handed people:
1. Famous left-handed people throughout history include Napoleon Bonaparte, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Obama, and Jimi Hendrix.
2. World Day of the Leftists has been celebrated every August 13 since 1996.
3. Following hand dominance, left-handed people tend to chew food on the left, while right-handed people chew on the right.
4. Left-handed people are three years shorter than right-handed people. More than 2,500 left-handed people are killed each year as a result of using everyday utensils meant for right-handed people. Oops!
5. Many studies show that premature babies are more likely to be born left-handed.
6. Genetic factors only occupy 25% of cases of the total chance of people being born left-handed.
7. Left-handed people are more susceptible to post-traumatic stress (PTSD) than those with right hands, according to a study.
8. Left-handed people’s brains work faster when exercising or playing computer games.
9. According to legend, Lucifer and the witch have a dominant left hand. Perhaps this is why many religious rituals require the use of the right hand, including the labeling of the right hand as “good hand”.
10. In the past, left-handedness was often associated with behavioral deviations, neurotic symptoms, rebellion, and criminal activity. In fact, the word “left ” (left / left hand) in English comes from “lyft” in Anglo-Saxon, which means broken or weak.
11. 40 percent of people with schizophrenia are left-handed people, although left-handed people only occupy 10% of the total population. There are also many well-known left-handed criminals, for example Osama bin Laden, The Boston Strangler, and Ted Bundy.
12. Fortunately, left-handed people have now proven to be much smarter than right-handed people! People who have an IQ of more than 140 are more left-handed, according to a study from St. Petersburg. Lawrence University. The proof, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Einstein, and Newton are left-handed people.
13. Left-handed people are more prone to embarrassment. A behavioral test carried out in Scotland showed a link between survival and shyness. According to this study, many left-handed participants reported that they were more prone to anxiety about making mistakes, and were more sensitive to criticism. Overall, research shows left-handed people are indecisive.
14. Left-handed people get angry more quickly. Most left-handed people show imbalanced emotional processes between their right and left brains, one of which is frequent bad mood.
15. Left-handed people drink alcohol more often than right-handed people, according to research results from 12 countries involving 25.00 participants. But that doesn’t mean they are prone to alcohol abuse, you know!
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