5 Easy Ways to Train Your Little One to Learn on the Stomach • Hello Sehat

Stomach can actually begin to be trained since the baby is a month old. But you still have to be wise in training children to learn to stomach that early. The reason is, although this position is very good for stimulating the motor development of your little one and training his neck strength, the prone position is vulnerable risk of increasing sudden infant death syndrome if done carelessly. So, when is the best time to train children to learn on their stomach, and what is the right way?
Babies can lie on their stomachs at the age of 3-5 months
In general, babies can be prone and turn over on their own when they are 3 – 5 months old. Even so, there are also babies who can only lie on their stomach and roll over when they are around 6-7 months old, when their neck and arm muscles are deemed strong enough.
That is why, you don’t need to worry if at the age of 3 months your little one may not be able to tilt or lie on her stomach, because besides the development of each baby is not the same, it is also still within normal limits.
How do parents train children to learn on their stomach?
Most babies may not like to linger on their stomach. Boredom is the cause of babies who are often fussy if they are in the prone position for long enough.
That is why, if you want to train your child to learn on your stomach, you have to be smart in finding ways to get his attention so that he doesn’t get bored or even fussy easily.
Here are some ways you can train your child to learn to talk on their stomach.
1. Do it regularly tummy time
In order to stimulate the baby to be able to learn on his stomach, you can do tummy time. Ideally, give him about 5 minutes to be in that position.
Do this method over and over again as long as your little one is awake. Don’t forget, put your little one in a comfortable and clean place.
If the baby starts to feel uncomfortable and even cries, don’t force it. Wait until your little one relaxes again.
You can make your little one feel better by changing his position to his back or holding him.
2. Change positions while breastfeeding
When breastfeeding, the baby will automatically follow where the mother’s nipple is. You can lie flat on top of your baby while feeding. This position will generally make the baby feel comfortable.
Let the baby train himself to maintain balance. Besides you and your little one can stare at each other directly, this position will indirectly create a strong bond between you and your little one because you can interact with each other by staring at each other.
3. Use attractive toys
The mood of your little one is difficult to predict. So, to overcome this you can use cute toys that attract his heart so that he doesn’t get bored quickly and can improve his mood.
Put toys that are brightly colored and have noises in front of the baby and let him try to reach them. You can use a small ball to grab the baby’s attention so that it is comfortable when in a prone position.
The prone position really helps the baby to stimulate the ability to lift his body and move to pick up the toys in front of him.
4. Use funny expressions
In order to get a baby interested in an activity, you do have to be resourceful. One of them is you by showing a funny facial expression in front of him.
Mimicking animal sounds is a great idea to get your little one’s attention. In fact, almost some children always like this game. Don’t be surprised if your little one can laugh because of the facial expressions you display.
5. Don’t get discouraged quickly
Training your little one to learn on his stomach does require a special strategy so that he doesn’t get bored quickly. That is why, don’t be discouraged to keep trying and looking for interesting ideas so that the baby is comfortable when you are positioned on his stomach, huh!
Remember, your patience and persistence will surely yield sweet results! Until then your little one will give you the surprise of being able to lie on their stomach and roll over on their own for the first time.
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