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Hand washing is important for health, here are 4 reasons

Washing hands is one easy way to prevent the spread of disease. In fact, your hands often become an intermediary for various bacteria to enter the body. In order to get maximum results, you should know how to wash your hands properly.

Why should you wash your hands?

There are many people who think that washing their hands frequently is a waste of their time. However, they do not realize that the hands are a host of bacteria and viruses that cause infectious diseases. Did you know that washing your hands regularly is the most important factor for maintaining good health? Why? Here’s why.

1. You can’t see germs

The nature of bacteria, germs, and viruses indeed microscopic. That means, you cannot see these microorganisms with the naked eye. Need a separate tool to be sure. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

In fact, these microorganisms are scattered everywhere. This includes things closest to you, which are most likely contaminated. Whether smartphone, laptop, table, shoes, or bag.

It could also be from the various activities that you do. Whether it’s by sneezing, coughing, or engaging in contact with animals. For that it is important that you always wash your hands after doing activities, because germs are scattered everywhere even if you don’t see them.

2. Germs are a source of disease

The process of transferring germs can take place quickly, either from person to person or indeed from contaminated objects. If they have entered the inside of the body, there is a possibility that they will interfere with the immune system or immune system.

This will usually make you sick due to the reaction of an infection in the body by bacteria, germs, or viruses.

3. Prevent the spread of germs

One of the effective ways to stay healthy is to wash your hands properly. However, hands are often used to touch other parts of the body. Without feeling you will touch your cheek, mouth, nose, or eyes. If your hands are dirty, germs can spread very quickly.

If the hand washing technique is appropriate, you can remove germs and prevent them from spreading. The various types of bacteria that are “blocked” can be MRSA which causes infection, clostridium difficile which causes diarrhea, ecoli which causes urinary tract infection, or salmonella which causes symptoms of abdominal pain or nausea.

4. Cheap

How much do you spend when you visit the hospital for treatment? It’s definitely not cheap. Washing your hands only requires ‘capital’ in the form of awareness, soap and water. Try to exercise discipline to wash your hands to keep you healthy, this is the easiest and cheapest way to prevent you from getting sick.

When do we need to wash our hands?

  • Before eating
  • Before preparing food
  • After handling raw meat
  • Before and after touching a sick person
  • After using the bathroom
  • After coughing or sneezing or blowing your nose
  • After changing diapers or pads
  • Before and after treating wounds
  • After cleaning or taking out the trash
  • After touching animal or animal waste

Unclean hands can be a way for disease to enter the body. Washing your hands properly can protect yourself from several infectious diseases such as flu, diarrhea, hepatitis A, and meningitis.

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