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Osteoporosis Drug Options to Prevent More Bone Loss

Before determining the appropriate type of osteoporosis treatment, the doctor will usually perform a bone density test (bone densitrometry test) to ascertain or predict the patient’s body response. The test results will help doctors determine the right type of osteoporosis medication to relieve symptoms of osteoporosis and prevent fractures that may occur. So, what are the drugs to treat motor disorders that can be an option?

Choice of drugs to treat osteoporosis

calcium supplements

It should be noted beforehand that the use of osteoporosis drugs basically can only help relieve symptoms, slow down the process of bone loss, strengthen bones, and prevent fractures from occurring. Some of these drugs include:

1. Bisphosphonates

One type of drug that is mainly used to treat osteoporosis is bisphosphonates. According to a study published in the journal Theurapetic Advances in Chronic Disease, this class of drugs can help prevent fractures from bone loss.

One of the drugs that is included in the bisphosphonate drug class is alendronate. This drug works to slow down the rate of bone loss, thereby preventing fractures.

Usually, alendronate is used as a treatment for bone loss caused by menopause, or excess steroid use. This drug is also often prescribed for people who are at high risk for fractures because the bones are already porous.

Apart from alendronate, there are also several other drugs that fall into the bisphosphonate class, including:

  • Risedronate (Actonel, Atelvia).
  • Ibandronat (Boniva).
  • Zolendronic acid (Reclast, Zometa).

In its use as an osteoporosis drug, drugs classified as bisphosphonates can have side effects in the form of:

  • Nausea.
  • Stomach hurts.
  • Symptoms like heartburn.
  • It’s hard to swallow.

2. Denosumab

Denosumab is a type of osteoporosis medication that is usually given to patients who cannot use bisphosphonates as an effective treatment. This drug is given in the form of an injection.

When compared to bisphosphonates, these osteoporosis drugs can be more effective in increasing bone density and reducing the risk of fractures.

Generally, denosumab is used to treat osteoporosis in women who have experienced menopause. In addition, this drug is also given to osteoporosis patients who have a higher risk of fracture than other people.

Denosumab can also be used to treat osteoporosis caused by using steroid drugs for about 6 months. This drug can also be given to osteoporosis patients who also have prostate cancer or breast cancer.

3. Raloxifene

This drug belongs to the class of drugs selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). According to National Health Security, SERMs exert the same effects on bones as the hormone estrogen. This osteoporosis drug helps maintain bone density and reduces the risk of fractures, particularly in the spine.

Raloxifene is the only SERM that is effective in treating osteoporosis. This osteoporosis drug is consumed by mouth every day, but there are several side effects that need attention, including:

  • Cramps in the legs.
  • Risk of blood clots.
  • The body gets hot quickly.

4. Teripatide

Teriparatide (Forteo) is used to treat osteoporosis, which is already severe and can no longer be treated with other drugs. This osteoporosis drug stimulates the body’s cells in the process of bone formation so that the bones get stronger.

This medicine will usually be prescribed by a doctor, and can only be used for a period of 18 months. When the teriparatide treatment is over, the doctor will prescribe another drug to ensure that the new bone that is formed is maintained at its density.

5. Hormone replacement therapy

One of the factors causing osteoporosis is a hormonal imbalance in the body. Therefore, the treatment of this porous bone disease can be treated with hormone therapy.

Medicines given during hormone therapy can help slow the process of bone loss and reduce the risk of fractures in women who have gone through menopause. In fact, this therapy can also be done as an effort to prevent osteoporosis.

This therapy can also be done in women who are under 60 years of age but who cannot take other osteoporosis drugs because of an impossible health condition.

6. Supplement vitamin D and calcium

Almost every drug that your doctor prescribes to protect your bones will also be accompanied by calcium and vitamin D supplements. A combination of prescription drugs and supplements of these two vitamins is needed to maximize the effect of osteoporosis treatment.

Young adults need about 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day to keep bones healthy and strong. If you are currently 51 and over and have osteoporosis, you will need to take a calcium supplement in the dosage of 1,200 milligrams per day.

Even so, the use of a combination of calcium and vitamin D supplements, of course, must be based on a doctor’s prescription. If not, it is feared that this supplement can interfere with the work of other osteoporosis drugs.

Supplements that contain a combination of calcium and vitamin D have side effects, namely:

  • Irregular heartbeat.
  • Weak body.
  • Headache.
  • Dry mouth or a metallic taste in the mouth.
  • Muscle or bone pain.

Supplements are good to take when you can’t get enough of your daily calcium and vitamin D intake. However, it is always preferable to give priority to obtaining calcium and vitamins from food.

Sumber of calcium and vitamin D can be obtained from food and drinks such as fish, broccoli, spinach, almond nut, milk and citrus fruit.

Several types of herbal remedies for osteoporosis

Apart from chemical drugs, there are also some herbal plants that are thought to help relieve symptoms of osteoporosis. Among others are red clover or red clover and horsetail.

Reporting from research published in Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, red clover extract is believed to be a herbal remedy for people with osteoporosis.

The results of the study stated that consuming red clover extract for 12 weeks had a good effect on bone health in menopausal women. From the research results it was found that this supplement helps protect the spine from the effects of aging bones due to age and osteoporosis.

Meanwhile, the silicon content in horsetail is believed to be able to help reduce bone loss. In addition, plants with Latin names Equisetum arvense This is also thought to stimulate bone regeneration.

Even so, before using these two herbal remedies, you need to ensure the safety of their use. Better to ask your doctor whether it is safe to use herbal medicines in the treatment of osteoporosis.

Avoid using drugs without consulting a doctor first, both chemical drugs and herbal medicines, for the safety and health of your bones. In addition, your doctor will also advise you to adopt a healthy lifestyle for bone health while undergoing treatment for osteoporosis.

A healthy lifestyle that you can do includes doing healthy exercise for osteoporosis and eating bone strengthening foods. That way, treatment may be more effective, and the risk of experiencing complications of osteoporosis such as fractures can also be avoided.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.