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Tips to Relieve Thigh and Butt Cramps in Pregnant Women

Tips to Relieve Thigh and Butt Cramps in Pregnant Women

There are many factors that cause cramps. Cramps in pregnant women are generally caused by pressure from the enlarging uterus on the circulation of the extremities. As a result, obstructed blood flow causes cramps. In addition, most of the mother’s nutrients are absorbed by the baby causing the calcium level in the mother’s body to decrease. Decreased calcium levels cause cramps.

Cramps can occur at any time, especially in the last three months of pregnancy. Although not classified as a serious disorder, cramps can cause pain and irritation.

The way to relieve cramps in the thighs and buttocks is with knee-chest exercises. This exercise also helps reduce pelvic pressure, hemorrhoids and pain in the lower back and legs.

Knee-chest exercises:

  1. Get on your knees, leave 18 inches between your knees ..
  2. Place your arms on the floor. The position of the pelvis will be higher than the chest
  3. Tighten the abdominal muscles a little to relieve baby pressure on the abdominal wall.
  4. Keep your back straight, your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor and hold this position for two minutes, gradually increasing the time to five minutes.
  5. Straighten and relax. Give pause to restore balance before getting up.
  6. Repeat this exercise at free time throughout the day as needed.

In addition, you can also try some of the suggestions below to relieve pain due to cramps.

  • To keep blood flowing, try to raise your legs as often as possible during the day.
  • Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on the affected area.
  • Stretch. Here are the steps to stretch your calf muscles:
    • Point your toes up and press down on the kneecaps, or
    • Grasping the back of the chair, drag one of the affected leg back as far as possible
    • Always keep your heels flat against the floor during this stretch
  • Watch your calcium intake by consuming a glass of milk or orange juice rich in calcium. If you don’t get enough calcium from food sources, you can ask your gynecologist for calcium replacement supplements.

Fortunately, thigh and buttock cramps are preventable. Here are some cramp prevention tips:

  • Avoid lingering standing or sitting sila ..
  • Stretch your calf muscles regularly during the day and night before going to bed
  • Turn your ankles and wiggle your toes between activities, such as when sitting, having dinner, or watching TV.
  • Take time to walk around each day, unless your midwife or doctor advises otherwise.
  • Avoid activities that make you too tired. Lie on your left side to increase blood circulation to and from your feet.
  • Avoid dehydration by drinking water regularly.
  • Try taking a warm bath before bed to relax your muscles.

Although painful, the cramps you experience during pregnancy will pay off when your baby is born safely.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.