6 Early Tetanus Symptoms You Need To Pay Attention To

Even the slightest wound on the body, you should not take it lightly. Why? If the wound is not treated properly, it can develop into serious infections, such as tetanus. Bacteria can spread and infect important organs through blood vessels in the lungs, kidney muscles, brain, and cause death. So that the condition does not get worse, pay attention to the various symptoms of tetanus in the following review.
What are the symptoms of tetanus that you need to be aware of?
The time the infection develops with the onset of tetanus symptoms ranges from three to 21 days. However, in most cases,tetanus symptoms will appear on the seventh or eighth day after infection.
The bacteria that causes tetanus usually enter the body through dirty stab wounds or scratches. Once inside the skin, these bacteria multiply and produce toxins.
This toxin causes the main symptoms of tetanus, jaw muscle spasms that cause the jaw to lock. Spasms also occur in the throat, chest and stomach muscles.
If you don’t get proper treatment, the toxic effects on your breathing muscles can interfere with your breathing process. This condition can be life threatening. Check out the explanation.
1. The jaw muscles are stiff
Tetanus disease is also called lockjaw which means the jaw is stiff as if it is locked. So called because a bacterial infection makes the masseter muscle, the muscle that controls the motion of the jaw, suddenly contract.
During contraction, the masseter muscles become stiff and the jaw will close tightly. This condition is the earliest symptoms which alarms tetanus.
2. The muscles in the face and neck are stiff
Apart from the jaw muscles, tetanus is also followed by other symptoms such as facial muscle stiffness. This condition can occur when the jaw muscles are stiff or after. The stiffness of the facial muscles causes a person to be unable to express normally.
If you have stiff muscles around your mouth, your smile will look weird and forced. This condition is also known as risus sardonicus.
After these symptoms, the toxins from bacteria can spread to the lower body parts, namely the neck muscles. As a result, the neck will also feel stiff.
3. Difficulty swallowing
When the infection has not been treated, the infection that affects the neck muscles can spread to the esophagus area. As a result, the esophageal muscles that push food or water downwards can interfere with coordination. So, the next tetanus symptom is what you will be difficulty swallowing something.
4. Stomach feels hard to the touch
The infection that attacks the esophageal muscles will not just stop if it is not treated immediately. The toxins from bacteria will enter the stomach area and make the muscles and walls of the stomach stiff. This condition causes your stomach to feel hard to the touch.
5. Fever and sweating
Fever indicates the immune system is fighting infection. As long as the tetanus infection continues, symptoms such as fever accompanied by profuse sweating will continue until the final stage of the disease.
6. Stiff muscles around the wound
Muscle stiffness around the wound usually occurs with the local type of tetanus. This type of tetanus is rare and is not accompanied by fever and sweating.
The symptoms of tetanus depend on the type
The symptoms of tetanus can also be distinguished according to the types. Check out the following explanation.
1. General tetanus
The symptoms that usually appear in sufferers of this type of condition are difficulty opening the mouth (trismus). This is related to symptoms of stiffness in the jaw or lockjaw.
Apart from that other signs that appear are:
- Fatigue all over the body
- Cold sweats
- Difficulty swallowing
- Sensitivity, even fear of water (hydrophobia)
- Excessive saliva production
- Back muscle spasms
- Frequent feelings of urination (urinary retention)
- Increased body temperature (hyperthermia)
- Irregular heartbeat ( arrhythmia)
- Pain in almost all parts of the body
2. Local tetanus
In the local type, the patient will show the following signs and symptoms:
- High fever
- The wound oozes pus
- Swelling of several parts of the body
- Increased levels of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell
- Muscle spasms
- Tingling sensation
- Muscle spasms that are more painful and last for several weeks
3. Cephalic tetanus
Cephalic type infection is slightly different from other types because the main symptom shown is paralysis of the cranial nervous system. This causes people with tetanus to experience the following symptoms:
4. Neonatal tetanus
Newborns suffering from neonatal tetanus will show the following signs and symptoms:
- Difficulty breastfeeding 3-10 days after birth
- Cry more often
- Often shows a frowning or grimacing expression
- Stiff in all parts of the body
- The body is stiff and curved backwards (opistotonus)
There may be signs and symptoms not listed above. If you have concerns about a particular symptom, consult your doctor.
How is tetanus diagnosed?
Quoted from the Mayo Clinic, doctors diagnose tetanus based on a physical examination, medical, and a history of tetanus vaccination. In addition, the doctor will also check for signs of tetanus, such as muscle spasms, stiffness, and pain. There are no laboratory tests that can help diagnose this condition.
Knowing the symptoms and characteristics of tetanus can help you detect the disease early. That way, your doctor can determine the right treatment for tetanus.
There is no cure for tetanus. However, tetanus treatment involves cleaning the wound, giving antibiotics to relieve symptoms, and other additional treatments. Immediately contact a doctor when you are injured and the wound comes into contact with soil or animal feces.
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