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Eating too much salt can cause you to have eye bags?

The times demand that we live fast paced, including eating fast food which incidentally contains a lot of salt. In fact, the maximum limit of salt intake for adults is on average only 6 grams or one teaspoon per day.

Most eating salt can cause fluid imbalance in the body. In the short term, consumption of excess salt can cause a number of side effects for health that can be dangerous. Here are some signs that your body is eating too much salt.

What are the signs that the body is eating too much salt?

1. Frequent urination

As you know, excess water consumption can make you urinate more frequently. The same effect turns out to also occur if you eat too much salt. The reason is that excess salt consumption “forces” your kidneys to work harder to flush it out of the body which leads to increased urination frequency.

When you urinate, your body loses calcium, a mineral that plays a role in keeping your bones and teeth strong. So if you urinate too often, your body will lose calcium and can weaken your bones. A body that is deficient in calcium increases the risk of osteoporosis.

2. Frequent headaches

A study found that adults who consumed more salt than the recommended limit were more likely to experience headaches even though their blood pressure was normal, compared with adults who consumed salt appropriately.

3. Often thirsty

Too much salt can upset the balance of fluids in the body, which can dry out your mouth. This is why eating too much salt can also make you thirsty and even dehydrated.

Dehydration can interfere with concentration and reduce your ability to remember. In fact, a study has found that people who are dehydrated have worse cognitive levels than those who are not. Therefore, to overcome this you have to drink more water.

4. High blood pressure

Consuming excess salt can increase the amount of fluid in your body, which will make your heart work harder than it should. In the end, the “overtime” work of the heart can increase blood pressure.

5. Eye bags appear

Yes, even eye bags can be a sign that you are eating too much salt. This can happen because your body is looking for ways to balance excess salt, which results in swelling of the body organs, which is often referred to as edema. However, the appearance of eye bags can also be caused by lack of sleep, allergies, or due to drugs.

Tips for limiting salt intake in your daily diet

If you experience one or more of the signs of eating too much salt above, now is the time to learn to control your intake of salty foods to avoid the risk of possible health hazards. If this habit continues, the danger of excess salt intake will have an impact on increasing blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis.

Here are some ways to limit your salt intake:

  1. Eat fresh foods – whether it’s meat, fruit and vegetables.
  2. Get used to seeing labels on canned food that you buy. Try to buy canned foods that are low in sodium.
  3. You can also compare the food you buy. Choose foods that contain the lowest sodium.

Although it is difficult to get used to limiting salt intake in your diet, however, you should still try it. Healthy adults should limit their intake of salt and water as needed to replace lost body fluids through sweat and urine, and to meet the essential nutrients the body needs. The reason is, lack of sodium in the body can actually reduce the cognitive abilities of the brain. The proper consumption of salt (6 grams or 1 tsp per day) is beneficial for the body to produce thyroid hormone, which plays an important role in brain development.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.