6 Things You Should Pay Attention To To Read Someone's Body Language

Facial expressions, gestures, and postures are part of body language to communicate non-verbally. According to experts, body language is shown naturally when someone wants to convey information, but it cannot be pronounced in words. That’s why reading someone’s body language is so important to understand the situation. For more details, see the following review.
Things to look out for when trying to read someone’s body language
What’s the point in reading body language? If you want to have good communication with other people, it is important to learn body language. Through body language, you can judge how personality, correctness of speech, and even knowing someone’s true feelings.
Body language is universal or general, meaning that everyone in the world uses it without being limited by language differences. Therefore, body language is considered to be richer in meaning and meaning than verbal language which is only in the form of words. Some things that you should pay attention to when reading someone’s body language, such as:
1. Facial expressions
Facial expressions are a part of body language. You can tell how someone is feeling just by looking at their expression. The words a person utters may be untrue or lie, but the expression they show may indicate the real situation. Research shows that facial expressions can show a person’s credibility, friendliness, and intelligence.
Some examples of emotions that can be expressed through facial expressions include:
- Happy, excited, or happy.
- Sad.
- Angry.
- Wonder.
- Confused.
- Afraid.
- Insulting, mocking, or condescending.
- Shocked.
2. Eyes
Apart from facial expressions, the eyes can reveal many things, whether it is what a person is feeling or thinking. When you are in a conversation with other people, it is important to pay attention to eye movements. When reading body language, pay attention to the following eye signals.
Eye look
When someone looks you directly in the eye during a conversation, this shows that they are interested and paying attention to the topic being discussed. However, if the eye contact is prolonged and sharp, you can say that this is a sign of a threat.
On the other hand, breaking eye contact and turning away frequently shows that the person is feeling annoyed, uncomfortable, or trying to hide their true feelings from you.
Blinking is normal, but you also need to pay attention to how much the other person blinks. People often blink faster if they are feeling depressed, uncomfortable, or when they are lying.
Pupil size
The darker part of the eye is the pupil. Actually this serves to adjust the light conditions in the environment. In the dark, the pupil size will enlarge and vice versa.
Not just light, emotions also cause changes in pupil size. For example, if someone is interested or feels stimulated to see something, their pupils will enlarge.
3. Lip movement
When you observe facial expressions, also pay attention to the lip movements made by the other person. Especially when someone smiles. A smile is not always a sign of joy or happiness, there are many emotions that are covered with a smile. When reading someone’s body language, the lip movements you notice include:
- Lip biting indicates feelings of worry, anxiety, fear, insecurity, and depression.
- Pursing your lips is a sign of disapproval, distrust, or dislike.
- The tip of the lips drops down to indicate disapproval or sadness.
4. Gestures
Gestures are the clearest and easiest to understand body language signals. For example, waving your hand, making a fist, pointing at someone, or making a v sign with your finger. Unfortunately, not all countries interpret gestures with the same meaning.
For example, the thumbs up gesture. This gesture can be interpreted as appreciation for someone, but it also has another meaning, which is up to Iran. Not only that, but a thumbs up is also a sign that you need a ride on a passing vehicle.
5. Position of hands and feet
The position of the arms and legs is also useful for conveying information indirectly. Someone who crosses their arms means to defend themselves or protect themselves. While crossing the legs is shown when someone needs privacy.
Moving your fingers or moving your feet quickly indicates feeling restless, bored, impatient, or depressed. Then, folding your arms across your chest is a sign of power, boredom, or anger.
6. Posture
Posture can be a way of reading body language, because it shows the characteristics of a person’s personality. People who sit upright show that they are focused and paying attention to what they are doing. While the person sitting with the body bent forward or to the other side, indicates boredom and indifference.
People who have an open and well-built posture are usually open and friendly. Conversely, people who have a slouched posture show feelings of discouragement or anxiety.
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