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Prevention of Dengue Fever (DHF) at Home in 8 Easy Ways

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a contagious disease caused by mosquitoes Aedes aegypti dengue virus carrier. Symptoms of DHF that are late recognized and treated can result in dangerous internal bleeding. Therefore, it takes efforts to prevent dengue fever or DHF from yourself and those around the house so that this disease does not spread more widely. How to?

How to prevent dengue fever (DHF) at home

As previously explained, dengue hemorrhagic fever, aka DHF, is transmitted through mosquito bites Aedes who are infected with the dengue virus. If not handled properly, patients are at risk of experiencing complications of DHF which can be fatal. It is important to prevent dengue fever so that you avoid this risk.

Maybe you are already very familiar with the slogan for preventing dengue fever (DHF) which reads 3M: drain, cover, and bury. However, the principle of preventing dengue is not only that.

The main way is to make sure you not bitten by mosquitoesAedes aegypti to avoid transmission of dengue fever. This can be done by keeping the environment clean, as well as using mosquito repellents so as not to breed at home.

1. Drain the tub once a week

ablutophobia is

Stagnant water is a place for mosquitoes Aedesaegypti breed. The female mosquito first lays its eggs on the walls of the tub filled with water. The mosquito larvae that hatch from the eggs will then get food from the surrounding microorganisms.

Over time, the mosquito larvae will grow into adult mosquitoes. This entire cycle lasts 8–10 days at room temperature.

Therefore, draining and cleaning the tub at least once a week is the main way to prevent DHF. This habit can kill mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and breaking the chain of dengue fever transmission.

2. Clean also other water collection containers

dbd prevention

Don’t just stop at the bathroom. You also need to drain and clean the various other containers in the house that hold water to prevent dengue fever. Furniture such as basins, cans, vases or flowerpots, buckets, etc. can become a nest for mosquitoes if they are not drained regularly.

Get in the habit of draining these water containers at least twice a week as a measure to prevent dengue fever at home. After that, close the container tightly which is likely to become a mosquito nest.

Discard old and unused containers so they don’t become places for standing water.

3. Install gauze and mosquito nets

dbd prevention

For a way to prevent dengue mosquitoes entering the house, you can attach screens to each ventilation hole and window.

There are various kinds of mosquito netting, some are made of wire, magnets, even to a tight, thin but strong net that keeps mosquitoes from entering from outside.

The prevention of dengue fever also needs to be done by installing a mosquito net in the bedroom. You can put a mosquito net around your cot or cover a baby cot.

4. Do not stack or hang clothes for too long

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The habit of procrastinating on folding the laundry and letting it just pile up? If not, are you in the habit of hanging clothes behind doors, or piling dirty laundry in the corner of your room?

We recommend that you stop this habit as a preventive measure for DHF. Leaving clothes piled up or hanging for so long can be a favorite place for mosquitoes to catch. This is because mosquitoes like human scent.

If you do have to put new clothes back in, fold them and store them in a clean, closed place.

5. Use lotion or anti-mosquito cream

content of body lotion

Protect yourself by applying mosquito repellent lotion every time you go out of the house or into the open.

Follow the instructions for use listed on the packaging label. Apply the cream, especially on the parts of the body that are not covered by clothes. Do not apply mosquito repellent cream to skin that is covered with clothing. If you also use sunscreen or sunscreen, apply sunscreen first and then lotion mosquito repellent.

However, you should still protect your body with anti-mosquito creams even when you are at home. Then apply again before bedtime because dengue mosquitoes are active throughout the night.

The principle is, frequently apply the cream repeatedly throughout the day wherever you are. Re-apply according to the directions on the package, for example, you have to repeat it every 3 hours.

To make sure you and other family members are not allergic to mosquito repellent ingredients, test first by putting a small amount of cream on the skin on the back of the hand a day or two before use. If you see any signs of an allergy, stop using it and wash the affected area thoroughly. Contact a doctor if necessary.

6. Wear closed clothes when going out of the house

type of dbd preventive clothing

You will be more susceptible to being bitten by mosquitoes Aedes in the morning and evening. As a way to prevent DHF transmission from yourself, wear long clothes that cover your skin. Whether it’s when you are at home or when you go out all the time.

In order to prevent dengue fever more effectively, first spray permethrin on shoes, pants / skirts, socks, and clothes. Permethrin is a drug that can paralyze and kill mites, including mosquitoes.

Urgent! Use permethrin according to the instructions for use on the packaging label. Do not spray permethrin directly on the skin.

7. Fogging

DHF mosquito fogging gas

Apart from regularly protecting the house using mosquito repellent spray or mosquito coils, it is also important to get used to activities fogging. Fogging is a way to prevent dengue fever (DHF) in bulk by spraying mosquito repellents that can reach a wider area.

Dengue fever (DHF) prevention with fogging usually done during the transition season or when the number of dengue cases in your area starts to increase.

Drug fogging containing synthetic pyrethroid chemicals (insecticides) which are dissolved with water, then evaporated into smog. Smoke fogging can spread quickly to remote areas of the building and can quickly kill mosquitoes and their larvae. Therefore, every resident of the house is obliged to leave all the doors and windows of their house open for as long fogging take place.

Done right, fogging will not be a risk to your health. However, in order not to inhale too much smoke, you should use a mask or “evacuate” first to an open area with a smooth air flow.

Fogging it’s best scheduled around 5.30-7.30am or 4.30-6.30pm. This time is when the dengue mosquitoes are actively leaving the nest.

8. Prune and clean weeds in the yard

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The green yard and full of flowers make the house look more beautiful and neat. However, you must be diligent in caring for it so that it does not become a mosquito nest. Dense grass and untreated weeds can become hidden mosquito breeding grounds.

Especially during the rainy season, not all of the water is absorbed into the ground. Sometimes there are still remains of puddles hiding among the wild growing plants. Well, this is where mosquitoes will be free to breed, spawning thousands of larvae.

Throw down flat and trim the yard or weeds around the house. Don’t forget to drain each pot and cover the puddles, leveling them with soil.

9. Decorate the house with natural mosquito repellent plants

the benefits of maintaining plants at home

Apart from those already mentioned above, you can take advantage of other natural alternatives as a way to prevent dengue fever (DHF) at home. For example, decorate the interior of the house with mosquito repellent plants as citronella, lavender, peppermint leaves, and geraniums (tread virgin).

Place small pots containing these plants in strategic locations, such as the corner of the house, near windows, or entrances. You can also plant some more in the yard of your house to keep mosquitoes out of your way. Especially for types of plants that cannot be maintained in pots, such as lemongrass and lemon balm.

Another way is to install aromatherapy candles with fragrances from these mosquito repellent plants, for example candles with the scent of lavender or geranium. Light up aromatherapy candles at night.

But keep in mind, these natural ingredients have not been proven to be 100% safe and effective as a prevention of dengue fever or DHF for everyone. Therefore, you should still prioritize using commercial mosquito repellent products that have been tested for certain.

10. Dengue Vaccine

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If you have done all the precautions above but are still afraid of the risk of dengue, get the dengue vaccine at the nearest clinic or hospital.

Yes, not many people know that the dengue vaccine has actually been around for a long time in Indonesia. The Dengue vaccine has also been approved by BPOM RI. The vaccine is given 3 times with a distance between doses per 6 months.

The World Health Organization (WHO) confirms that the dengue vaccine as a means of preventing dengue fever can be given to people aged 9-45 years. However, based on research, the dengue vaccine will be most effective if it is started to be given to children aged 9-16 years.

Currently, there are 10 countries in the world that have approved the use of the dengue vaccine apart from Indonesia, namely the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Brazil, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Honduras and Colombia.

11. Maintain your immune system

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Another most important step that needs to be done as a prevention of dengue or dengue fever is to increase your body’s resistance. With a good immune system, you can reduce your risk of getting sick.

You can protect your immune system by adopting healthy habits. Preventing dengue fever by consuming lots of various types of healthy foods can increase endurance while meeting your daily nutritional needs.

Manage a diet rich in vitamins and minerals such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meat.

Exercise is also the best way to maintain a healthy body to prevent dengue fever. Try to exercise regularly. It doesn’t need to be too heavy, for example, like just walking leisurely for 30 minutes per day.

Also reduce bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of sleep, and learn how to manage stress properly. You are guaranteed to feel a real change in your overall health.