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Difference between dental caries and cavities, as well as tartar

Regardless of your age, it is imperative that you brush your teeth regularly to maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Because if not, you could be exposed to dental caries, tartar, or cavities. Well, many people still find it difficult to distinguish between dental caries and cavities because their characteristics tend to be similar. Do you know the difference between the three dental problems? Come on, find out the answer in the following review.

Difference between dental caries and cavities

Some people or even yourself may still be confused about the difference between dental caries and cavities. The reason is, these two conditions have the same characteristics, namely the presence of holes in the teeth.

In fact, dental caries and cavities are two related conditions. Dental caries is actually a medical term that is better known as tooth decay or cavities.

Dental caries is a condition where the structure and layer of the teeth are damaged gradually. This begins with the erosion of the enamel or the outer layer of the tooth, then eating away at the dentin or the middle layer of the tooth, and finally reaching the cementum, aka the root of the tooth.

Dental caries is generally caused by the habit of eating sweet foods or rarely brushing your teeth. When you eat sweet foods, the bacteria in your mouth will convert the sugar content from leftover food to acid. If you are lazy to brush your teeth, this acid buildup can turn into white, yellow, brown, or blackish plaque on your teeth.

If this dental caries is not treated immediately, the tooth decay can be worse and cause cavities. At first, you will feel some pain immediately after consuming cold, hot, or sweet foods or drinks.

Over time, cavities that have become severe can make you experience unbearable toothaches.

So, what is tartar?

how to prevent tartar

Tooth tartar is actually not much different from dental plaque. The difference is, plaque that sticks to teeth can be cleaned by brushing your teeth regularly, while tartar can only be cleaned or removed by the scaling method.

Dental plaque is a collection of bacteria, dirt, or food debris stuck in the teeth and mouth. Tooth plaque that was originally yellow can turn hard and black if not treated immediately. Over time, the blackened plaque will look like a rock sticking to your teeth.

The tartar usually forms above the gum line and tends to be rough. You shouldn’t underestimate this one dental problem, you know. This is because tartar that is not removed immediately can cause receding teeth, cavities, and gum disease.

That is why you are obliged to brush your teeth regularly, at least twice a day in the morning and before going to bed at night. In addition, schedule visits to the dentist every six months to prevent various oral and dental problems.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.