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Ultrasound Examination Can Help Detect These 5 Health Problems

5 Health Problems That Can Be Detected Through Ultrasound

Ultrasound examination is usually done to check all kinds of things related to pregnancy – to find out the sex of the baby, to monitor the condition of the baby in the womb as a whole, to look for problems in the body of a pregnant woman that could put her pregnancy at risk. However, did you know that ultrasound is also used to detect many other health problems that are not related to pregnancy? Yes!

Old, young, male, or female may be advised to undergo an ultrasound examination if the doctor feels it is necessary. This aims to confirm the diagnosis of the disease, so that you can get the right treatment.

So, what are the health problems and diseases that can be detected by ultrasound? Read on to find out more.

How does ultrasound work?

Ultrasound or ultrasound (sonogram) is an examination test that uses high-frequency sound waves to describe the condition of the organs in the body.

When you do an ultrasound, gel will be applied to the part of your body to be examined, and the doctor will then move a control stick called a transducer over that part of the body. This transducer will send high frequency sound waves to the organs and body fluids in the area. This sound wave will then bounce back in the form of an electrical signal to the machine which will convert it into an image. You can see a picture of your internal organs on the monitor screen.

For example, suppose you are asked for an ultrasound of the heart. After applying a special gel to your chest, the transducer stick moving over it will “take pictures” of your heart as well as the frame of your chest. In tissue that has high density, such as bone, the ultrasound screen will display a white image. Meanwhile, soft tissue, such as the heart, will appear as a black image.

What health problems can be detected by ultrasound examination?

In addition to checking the condition of pregnancy, ultrasound examination also serves to detect health problems in:

1. The bile system

Any disease or disorder related to the bile system can be detected by ultrasound.

The gallbladder is located between the intestines and the liver which functions to store bile from the liver until the time comes to be released into the intestine to aid digestion. Bile itself is a yellow-green liquid whose function is to digest fat. Bile can build up and crystallize over time, causing health problems, such as gallstones and cholecystitis. Problems with the pancreas are also among those that can be detected by ultrasound examination of the bile system.

2. urination system (urination)

Ultrasound examination can detect and provide a clear picture of problems in the urinary tract, starting from the kidneys to the bladder. Diseases or medical conditions that can be detected include hydronephrosis (enlarged kidneys), kidney tumors, thickening of the urinary tract walls, to undescended testes in children and twisted testes (testicular torsion).


3.Cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels)

Ultrasound examination of the heart is also called echocardiography. This examination in particular uses Doppler ultrasound. Doppler is mostly used to measure the rate of blood flow to the heart and large blood vessels. The image that will appear is red and blue.

With echocardiography, you can immediately see how accurately the heart is functioning and the structure is working. An ultrasound of the heart can tell you how the heart valves, the walls of the heart, and how well the blood flows in the chambers of the heart.

With this tool you can see if your heart is functioning well, especially if it’s done after a heart attack.

4. Appendicitis

Appendicitis (appendicitis) is an inflammation of the appendix caused by a blockage. The appendix is ​​a small tube-like structure that attaches to the beginning of the large intestine. The appendix has no specific function, but when the blockage ruptures, appendicitis can be life threatening.

When viewed through ultrasound examination, the picture that will appear is that the appendix will be larger than usual and there is a thickening of the wall of the appendix.

5. Enlarged lymph nodes

An ultrasound examination can tell the doctor about the presence of swollen lymph nodes and other problems associated with them (lymphadenopathy, lymphadenitis).

Swollen lymph nodes are usually more susceptible to children because their immune systems are still developing. Causes of swelling include strep throat, viral infections, ear infections, dental infections, bacterial infections, and HIV / AIDS infection.

In addition to checking the condition of pregnancy and the five types of problems above, ultrasound examinations can also be done on the throat and vagina according to what the doctor needs to check. The size of the transducer sticks can also vary, depending on the location of the inspection.

What are the side effects of the ultrasound?

The ultrasound examination may cause a temporary burning sensation at the examination site during imaging. However, ultrasound is a safe medical procedure and has no serious long-term side effects or complications.

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