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The Psychological Reasons Behind Why People Are Still Superstitious

Why Are Some Still Superstitious, Yes?

In this very modern era, there are still some people who believe in myths or what are also called superstitions. Starting from not opening umbrellas in the house, not sitting in front of the door because it can keep their soul mate away, to having to finish the rice if they don’t want them to cry. If you think about it logically it doesn’t make sense, why do people still believe in itAm I superstitious?

What is superstition?

myths of eating habits in children

Myth or superstition is something that someone invented based on their imagination, aka lies. However, it turns out that superstition in Indonesia is to teach children certain things. Usually, this superstition was formed by your grandparents when you were a child.

For example, you must have often heard that if you don’t finish your rice, you might cry. In the mind of a child, of course they don’t want that to happen whether it’s scary or it makes them sad.

Therefore, they will try to finish the rice and form a habit to finish the food.

Another example is not being allowed to sweep at night because it can reduce your fortune. Now, if it is related to ancient times, of course sweeping at night is a bad habit.

Until there was light, it would be difficult for your grandmother to sweep in the dark, maybe what was swept away wasn’t trash, but jewelery or fallen money.

Why are there still people who are superstitious?

Over time, these myths should be broken with logical explanations, but some people still stick to this principle.

This is because the belief was developed by them and they feel bound by the superstition. For example, you are given a bracelet which can bring you ‘good luck’.

Then you wear it on certain exams and have managed to get good grades since wearing the bracelet. Well, this is where you start to believe and develop your own confidence in the bracelet.

1. Making credible reasons for an incident

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In the case of the ‘lucky’ bracelet, this is actually one of many examples. You are not confident when you take the test, so you need ‘encouragement’ to fix it.

It cannot be denied that the human mind likes to have control over unexpected events. Therefore, this superstitious belief develops because you can create a scenario that works in your favor, even if you know it doesn’t make sense.

2. Calm the mind

Even though superstition is an illusion that you create, it turns out to have an effect on your mentality which becomes much calmer.

Psychologists reveal that not following rituals or rules can increase anxiety in humans. Therefore, creating a prediction that benefits himself can certainly increase confidence and satisfy himself when undergoing activities.

Now, it is quite clear why don’t some people still believe in superstitions? Even if it doesn’t seem dangerous, having this kind of belief actually makes it difficult for you to have a stronghold against your beliefs.

Therefore, sometimes superstition can have quite a negative effect on how you think about the world. It’s not difficult to change, but often it is the lack of the will to change the mindset that keeps the superstitions there.

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