Lemon water and ginger to shrink belly fat, is it effective or a hoax?

Apart from being unsightly to the eye, a distended stomach also carries a lot of risk of serious health problems. That’s why many people are actively looking for ways to get rid of the pile of belly fat. A solution of lemon and ginger water has been a hereditary recipe for reducing belly fat. However, does this method really work or is it just a whisper from the neighbors?
Why can the stomach bulge?
A distended stomach occurs when too much fat accumulates in the abdominal area and around the waist. This accumulation of abdominal fat can be caused by a diet high in carbohydrates, cholesterol and fat, an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, to lack of exercise. A distended stomach can also be triggered by excessive alcohol consumption, so it’s no wonder that it is often referred to as beer belly or beer belly.
Revealing the benefits of lemon and ginger for health
Lemon is widely used as a natural weight loss ingredient because it is believed to help increase the body’s metabolism. The faster your metabolism works, the faster and more stored fat is burned.
In addition, lemon has natural diuretic properties that can help cleanse the intestines of leftover food that triggers constipation. Logically, the more hardened leftovers accumulate in the intestines, the more weight you gain.
Another theory is that lemons are a very low calorie food source so they won’t lead to weight gain, as their acidic properties help reduce hunger.
So it is with ginger. An article in the British Journal of Nutrition reports that ginger can control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and burn fat, thereby helping reduce appetite. Dr. Len Kravitz in the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin article states that ginger can suppress the production of the hormone cortisol.
How to make a concoction of lemon water and ginger
- Prepare a small saucepan and heat 4 cups of water or to taste.
- Take a fresh lemon, clean it, and cut the lemon into pieces.
- Take one segment of ginger, clean it, and cut it into several pieces. You can also use ground ginger.
- Place a few pieces of ginger root or 1 tablespoon of ground ginger in a saucepan filled with water.
- Then add 1 to 2 lemon slices.
- Let it boil and then pour it into a glass.
You can add a tablespoon of honey if you want the lemon juice and ginger to taste sweeter on your tongue.
Then, is it true that a solution of lemon water and ginger is effective in reducing a distended stomach?
Consuming enough water does trigger the body to burn fat more optimally. In addition, lemon water can flush out toxins in the body. But when mixed with ginger, is it really effective in reducing a distended stomach?
The answer is still not clear. Reporting from Self, Alissa Rumsey, RD, a spokesperson for Academy of Nutritions and Dietetics, give a little view on this matter. “Lemon dissolved in hot water actually does not cause weight loss,” he said.
Rumsey’s statement is also supported by Anna Z. Feldman, MD, an endocrinologist at Joslin Diabetes Center, reported from Women’s Health. Feldman revealed that lemon does not actually have a direct effect on weight loss, but it cannot be denied that its content is good for our bodies.
Even so, lemon is enriched with vitamin C which can increase stamina. Add ginger in a lemon juice solution maybe can speed up weight loss. Ginger is a stimulant that has a caffeine-like effect. The combination of the stimulant effects of ginger and the stamina-boosting effects of lemon can boost your energy and enthusiasm for exercise. This is what will actually help you burn calories and belly fat for a flat stomach.
In other words, just drinking a solution of lemon and ginger water every morning won’t necessarily flatter your stomach. There is no single herb or drug that can instantly work on its own to reduce a distended stomach. You still need to make other efforts to make this happen, namely by exercising and a balanced diet.
If you don’t balance it with physical activity and a healthy diet, the benefits of lemon and ginger water to help reduce a distended stomach will be in vain.
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