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Why is mineral water healthier than plain water?

Why is mineral water healthier than plain water?

Sometimes we like to be confused about the difference between plain water and mineral water. Even though the shape is the same. The taste also seems the same. But, what are they really different?

What’s the difference between mineral water and plain water?

The content is different

Water is water that we usually get from nature or from the home tap (which is then boiled or cooked before drinking). White water itself contains one hydrogen atom and two hydrogen atoms. Meanwhile, mineral water is water that contains minerals in it, either natural or artificial. So in general the contents are different from one another.

The source is different

White water is usually obtained from sources such as rivers, lakes, or other natural sources. Meanwhile, mineral water is obtained from areas that are rich in minerals. This means that not all water from various water sources can be considered mineral water. However, water from non-mineral sources can still be converted into mineral water by adding nutrients to it.

Mineral water has minerals in large or small amounts. The components themselves vary and can include zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium.

Mineral water contains more nutrients

Compared to plain water, mineral water is a good source of nutrients and has many health benefits. Mineral water usually has a stronger taste than plain or plain water.

Different price

We can get plain water or plain water for free. That’s because we can cook it ourselves at home before drinking it, dedicate mineral water must be purchased. This means that mineral water is more expensive than plain water or plain water. Why is it more expensive? This because it goes through many processes before it is finally packaged and can be consumed.

9 benefits of mineral water

As explained earlier, mineral water has many benefits for our bodies compared to plain water, even though we have to buy it. BHere are some of the benefits.

1. Lose weight

Water and all kinds, including mineral water, do not contain fat and calories. You will have a hard time losing weight when you drink soda and juice, which have a lot of calories. Report from Mayo Clinic, when you choose to drink mineral water, you will be able to maintain your calorie count while keeping your body hydrated.

2. Improve bone health

For women, when menopause he will suffer bone loss and feel pain. This can be overcome by drinking mineral water regularly. A study in a popular scientific journal found that calcium in mineral water is essential in maintaining bone density and thus preventing the development of bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

3. Lowering blood pressure

Mineral water contains magnesium. Well, magnesium has an important role in maintaining normal blood pressure levels. A study found that patients with hypertension who had low magnesium levels, when drinking 1 liter of mineral water containing magnesium, decreased blood pressure.

4. Lowering the level of LDL cholesterol

One of the biggest factors that give you heart problems is bad cholesterol, LDL. People who drink mineral water regularly have a drastic reduction in their risk of heart problems because of the ability of mineral water to lower LDL cholesterol. Other ingredients such as potassium and magnesium also help heart function.

5. Helps digestion

Our digestion will also be helped because of mineral water. This is due to the sulfate content which helps the pancreas to release enzymes such as amylase, protoase, and lipase which help digest food properly. Low sulfate levels can interfere with digestive health, and even cause constipation and diarrhea.

6. Maintain muscle performance

Mineral water is rich in magnesium, so it helps in muscle performance and maintenance. This is because magnesium is an essential mineral for the body that makes muscles relax and contract properly. Hence when we are deficient in magnesium our muscles can get sore and cramp.

7. Maintain electrolyte balance

Electrolytes are salts (bicarbonate, chloride, potassium, and sodium) that prevent dehydration by helping the body’s cells absorb water. Since mineral water is the best source of electrolytes, it will help balance electrolytes in your body.

8. Reducing the risk of kidney stones

Doctors recommend drinking mineral water, because it helps prevent kidney stones. Usually kidney stones are caused by calcium oxalate, but when you drink mineral water in a certain amount of calcium and magnesium, it helps reduce the concentration of calcium oxalate.

9. Maintain skin beauty

Mineral water has a high amount of silica which strengthens the supple cells and slows down the formation of wrinkles on the skin. By drinking mineral water, you help your skin stay beautiful and supple.

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