Soya Milk for Allergic Babies, Could It Be a Solution?

Not a few parents think that soy milk is the answer for babies who have allergies to cow’s milk. Soya milk is believed to have substitute nutrients to complement the needs of babies who are allergic to cow’s milk.
However There are a variety of nutrients that must be fulfilled to support growth and development babies with cow’s milk allergy. Selection of nutrients in milk parents also need to pay attention. Because wrong nutrition can present its own health risks for children with cow’s milk allergy.
Recognize the selection of the right nutrition for allergic babies
Protein is one of the important nutrients to support the physical and cognitive growth of babies. Protein stored in the body is used as fuel for hormones, boosts the immune system, and children’s brain development.
Protein needs of babies allergic to cow’s milk need to be met optimally from the beginning of their life. Babies with cow’s milk allergy need protein to improve their development in the future. So that he can actively explore and socialize with his peers. Therefore, protein is one of the most important parts to fulfill since you were a baby.
In giving milk, maybe some parents realize that their baby has a possibility allergic to cow’s milk. Giving the wrong nutrition can cause allergic reactions in your little one. Allergic reactions experienced by babies allergic to cow’s milk attack the 3 most important organs of the body, here are the symptoms:
1. Skin
- Red rash on the cheeks and a red rash on the skin folds
- Swelling of the lips
- Itchy rash
- Hives
- Atopic dermatitis
2. Breathing
- coughing or wheezing
- nasal congestion
- difficulty breathing until the skin is blue
3. Digestion
- spit up
- throw up
- colic, such as crying excessively because of stomach pain and irritability
- diarrhea
- blood in the stool
In this condition, babies with cow’s milk allergy cannot accept cow’s milk protein in their body, causing allergies and showing one of the allergy symptoms. Allergies make the immune system react to protein from cow’s milk. In other cases, the baby’s body recognizes cow’s milk protein as a foreign substance.
Because it is seen as a foreign object, the body secretes histamine and other compounds that cause allergic reactions.
Allergic reaction to cow’s milk formula in your little one, this is his first aid
The wrong choice of nutrition can cause colic babies. When faced with this, many parents may be confused about what to do as a first aid step. Before switching to other milks, such as soy milk for allergic babies, to deal with allergic reactions in allergic babies, there are certain ways that must be done.
According to the administration of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) in managing allergy symptoms in children, it is to do an elimination diet of foods containing cow’s milk products accompanied by extensive hydrolyzed formula feeding.
Extensive hydrolyzed formula is hypoallergenic. This milk can provide assistance to babies who are unable to digest cow’s milk protein completely because the protein in it has been broken down thoroughly into very small parts. That way, your little one’s body does not recognize these pieces of protein as allergens (substances that trigger allergies).
Extensively hydrolyzed formula also helps your little one achieve oral tolerance. Oral tolerance is a condition in which the child can re-consume cow’s milk products and their derivatives. Of course, all parents hope that their children can return to consuming cow’s milk products, so that oral tolerance is the final goal for children who experience cow’s milk allergy.
But before that, it’s a good idea for every parent to consult a pediatrician about extensively hydrolyzed milk, cow’s milk management diet and oral tolerance. So that the doctor can further diagnose the child’s symptoms and provide appropriate recommendations.
So, is it better to choose soy milk or extensively hydrolyzed milk for allergic babies?
Some parents believe that the best substitute for cow’s milk for children is soy milk for allergic babies. However, let’s first discuss the explanation of soy milk below.
Soya milk formula for children with allergies is believed to be an alternative solution to replace the intake of cow’s milk. Soya milk contains isoflavones.
This content is a phytoestrogen, because its role is like a hormone in the body. In addition, according to the American Academy of Pedistrics, formula soy milk is an amino acid that is formulated to complement the needs of babies.
These amino acids are formed from protein and other ingredients to support children’s nutrition. Therefore, soya formula is often the choice of mothers for babies who have allergies.
It is important for parents to know, maybe some babies are allergic to the protein in soy milk. Although it is often an alternative option, mothers can provide extensive hydrolyzed formula.
Apart from supplementing the protein content, extensive hydrolyzed formula also contains ARA (arachidonic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Both are fatty acids that support children’s visual and visual power, as well as the development of brain memory in the short term.
It can be concluded, as a baby experiencing symptoms of allergy to cow’s milk formula, give extensive hydrolyzed formula as the first alternative because according to the recommendations of the Indonesian Pediatric Association (IDAI).
Soya formula can also be another option for nutritional fulfillment of babies allergic to cow’s milk, provided it is not recommended for babies under 6 months. Consultation to a doctor is still recommended for diagnosis and choice of the right formula for treating babies with cow’s milk allergy.
Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.