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Skin Rash: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Skin Rash

Definition of a skin rash

A skin rash is a condition in which the skin becomes irritated which causes a red hue accompanied by itching and pain due to inflammation of the skin (dermatitis).

In some conditions, the rash can also cause blisters. This condition often appears as a symptom of various skin problems.

Rash is a very broad medical term. The conditions that arise can vary greatly in shape and appearance depending on the cause. The causes are different, making the treatment carried out is also different depending on the cause.

Types of skin rashes include:

The skin rash can be localized on only one small part of the body, or it can cover a large area. Skin rashes can take many forms, whether they are dry, moist, bumpy or smooth.

How common is skin rash?

This condition is relatively common and has been experienced by millions of people in the world. A rash on the skin can occur at any age. However, women are more prone to this skin condition.

In most cases, the rash may not need treatment and can go away on its own. While these problems can often be treated at home, there are other rashes that are a sign of serious health problems that should be treated by a doctor immediately.

You can solve this problem by reducing the risk factors. Talk to your doctor for more information.

Symptoms of a skin rash

Symptoms of a skin rash are usually immediately visible when seen with the naked eye. Generally, in adults, this condition usually appears on the hands and elbows.

In children, symptoms of this disease are usually seen on the inner elbows, behind the knees, face, back of the neck and scalp.

Common symptoms of this condition are:

  • itchy,
  • red skin,
  • thick, rough skin from scratching areas of skin that are dry, scaly, or hardened,
  • purulent blisters, as well
  • infection of the damaged skin area.

When to see a doctor for skin rash?

Tell a doctor right away if the rash on the skin causes any of the following signs.

  • Appearing throughout the body, this condition can indicate an infection or allergic reaction.
  • The rash is accompanied by a fever above 38 C.
  • Appeared suddenly and spread rapidly.
  • The rash starts to blister or turns into an open sore.
  • Feels painful and interferes with your activities.
  • The rash turns crusted, yellow or green discharge, or swelling. This condition could be a sign of infection.
  • Interferes with your sleeping hours.
  • Feeling joint pain.

Symptoms that appear in each person may vary. If you are worried about certain symptoms you are experiencing, or if you also experience symptoms that are not listed above, consult your doctor immediately to get the right solution.

Causes of skin rashes

There are several possible causes of skin rashes, including allergic reactions, illnesses, and medications. This condition may also be caused by a bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infection. The following are some of the causes of skin rashes.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is the most common cause of skin rashes. This condition occurs when the skin shows an allergic reaction or irritation after coming in contact with an allergen. As a result, the skin becomes red and inflamed.

Some of the causes can include:

  • substances in clothing dyes,
  • beauty product,
  • poisonous plant,
  • chemicals, such as latex or rubber, as well
  • chlorine from swimming pools.


Sweat also has the potential to cause irritation on the skin. It is also known as cholinergic urticaria. Usually this reaction occurs after exercise, when you stay in a hot place, or when you experience anxiety.

The mechanism of occurrence is thought to be the release of histamine compounds when body temperature increases. This histamine is what makes you feel the symptoms of a skin rash.


Certain medications can expose a person to this condition. This condition may arise due to side effects or allergic reactions.

Some medications, including antibiotics, make a person more susceptible to sunlight. This reaction looks similar to sunburn.


Infection due to bacteria, viruses, or fungi can also cause this skin disease. This condition varies, depending on the type of infection.

One example is candidiasis, a common fungal infection, which causes the affected skin to develop an itchy color and texture that usually appears in the skin folds.

Call your doctor immediately if you indicate an infection.

Autoimmune conditions

Autoimmune conditions arise when a person’s immune system starts to attack health. There are several autoimmune diseases, some of which can cause skin rashes, one of which is lupus.

Lupus is a condition that affects a number of body systems, including the skin. This results in red, butterfly-shaped patches on the face.

Insect bites

This condition can occur due to insect bites, such as flea bites. Flea bites are of particular concern because they can transmit disease.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

This condition usually appears in people with asthma or allergies. The skin usually looks reddish and feels itchy with a scaly texture.


Psoriasis is a skin condition that can cause scaly, itchy skin and red marks to form along the scalp, elbows, and joints.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a type of skin disease that affects the scalp and causes redness, scaly patches, and dandruff. Seborrheic eczema can also occur in the ears, mouth, or nose.


Rosacea is a chronic skin condition with no known cause. There are several types of rosacea, but all of them are characterized by redness and a rash on the face.


Ringworm is a distinctive ring-shaped fungal infection. The same fungus causes body ringworm and scalp to itch, as well as water lice.

Diaper rash

This is a common skin irritation in babies and toddlers. This condition is usually caused by sitting too long in a dirty diaper, causing skin irritation and redness.


Scabies is an infestation of tiny fleas that live and hide in the skin. This causes a bumpy, itchy rash.


This is a bacterial infection of the skin. Cellulitis usually appears as reddish and swollen areas that are painful to the touch. If left untreated, the infection that causes cellulitis can spread and become life-threatening.

Causes of skin rashes in children

Children are particularly susceptible to skin color and texture disorders. Usually, this condition occurs due to certain diseases, such as:

  • Chicken pox, which is a virus characterized by red, itchy blisters all over the body.
  • Measles, which is a respiratory infection that causes skin conditions that are itchy and in the form of red bumps.
  • Scarlet fever, which is an infection due to group A Streptococcus bacteria which produce toxins that cause rashes or red spots on the skin.
  • Hand, foot and mouth disease, which is a viral infection that can cause red lesions in the mouth and rashes on the hands and feet.
  • Fifth disease (fifth disease), is a viral infection that causes red patches on the cheeks, upper arms and legs.
  • Kawasaki disease, that is, a rare but serious disease that is triggered by a rash and fever in its early stages. This disease can cause coronary artery aneurysms as a complication.
  • Impetigo is a contagious bacterial infection that causes itchy and crusty hands, neck, and face.

What increases the risk of skin rash?

A family history of allergies or asthma increases the risk of skin rashes. Often doing certain activities such as gardening or spending time outside the home can also increase your chances.

Likewise with abnormalities in the color and texture of the skin from poisonous plants or insects.

Diagnosis and treatment of skin rashes

How is a skin rash diagnosed?

Skin rashes are easily identified by diagnosing the outer layer of skin. First, the doctor will look at the shape and extent of the redness on the skin. Meanwhile, the doctor asks what symptoms you feel.

Then, the doctor determines the type of skin rash based on the density, color, size, softness, and texture of the skin. The spread of this condition is also an important indicator in making a diagnosis.

To ensure the results, sometimes you also have to undergo other procedures. The procedure may include taking a skin sample which will be examined in a laboratory.

Allergy skin test with patch is also an option. The trick is to apply an allergen to the skin to see if there is a possibility of an allergy.

How to treat skin rashes?

Most skin rashes are not serious and can go away on their own. The treatment only aims to relieve the intensity of the symptoms, for example reducing itching or burning.

For that, you can buy calamine medication or lotion. There are also hydrocortisone creams available without a doctor’s prescription to help reduce the rash. You simply apply this drug to the skin according to the usage rules listed on the package.

Before buying these drugs, it’s a good idea to discuss this with your doctor. Comparing brands with one another is necessary to determine the best solution.

But back again, this condition could appear as a symptom of another, more serious disease. Of course, treatment must be adjusted to the disease suffered. If the rash is also accompanied by other symptoms, first confirm the disease by examining the doctor.

Likewise, if reddish patches appear and spread rapidly over large areas of skin, professional treatment will be needed.

What to do if you get a skin rash due to allergies?

If you get a skin rash due to allergies, you can do some of the treatments below.

  • Avoid direct contact with allergens. You shouldn’t touch things that trigger allergies.
  • Cool the affected area with a compress or shower to soothe the rash. Wash the skin gently and use a moisturizer.
  • Soak the affected skin with colloidal oatmeal, which is oatmeal that has been ground into a pulp and mixed with water. This can soothe inflamed skin for some people.
  • Use an anti-itch cream.
  • Wear loose clothing. Don’t wear tight clothes that increase your risk of developing this problem.

If you have a skin problem that does not go away on its own, check with your doctor even if the condition seems to be getting better after being treated at home.

Home remedies

This skin condition comes in many forms. The causes can be various. However, there are some simple ways to deal with this condition that you can do at home.

Check out the following list.

  • Use a mild soap, which does not contain perfume. Choose a soap made for sensitive skin or baby skin. Don’t overuse soap.
  • Avoid bathing in hot water.
  • Let the skin breathe, do not cover it with bandages.
  • Do not rub and scratch the rash, this habit can worsen the condition and increase the risk of infection.
  • If the discolored and textured skin feels dry, use an unscented moisturizer.
  • Do not use cosmetics or lotions that have the potential to cause this condition.
  • Wash your hair and scalp regularly with an anti-dandruff shampoo, if you find dandruff accompanied by a skin rash. You can buy them freely or ask a doctor’s prescription.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.