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5 Health Problems Due to Sitting Too Long • Hello Sehat

Advances in technology today make the space for movement increasingly limited. Many people work only at the computer and spend long hours sitting. Coupled with the time to go to the office which is also spent sitting in private vehicles or public transportation.

Time at home is also spent sitting in front of the television. Very few moving activities are carried out every day. Even the time for exercise is simply passed. Do not think about the risks that will be caused if you sit too long, whether it can cause health problems or not.

Various health problems due to sitting too long

The work that is done by sitting too long coupled with the wrong diet and lack of exercise can pose the risk of various diseases. Here are some health problems that can result from sitting too long:

1. Increase the risk of disease

Sitting too long increases the risk of developing diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cancer. Sitting too long can increase blood pressure, increase blood sugar, increase body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels. As reported from webmd, Sitting for too long causes muscles to burn less fat, slows down blood circulation, and makes it easier for fatty acids to block blood flow to the heart. This can increase the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, raise cholesterol, and other problems. In addition, the pancreas can also produce insulin in excess amounts, which can cause diabetes.

2. Increase the risk overweight or obesity

Too much sitting can also increase the risk overweight or obesity. Too much sitting can trigger you to eat more and more so that you unconsciously gain weight. Especially if overeating is not balanced with regular exercise. Fat will accumulate in the body and cause obesity.

3. Weakening of muscles

While sitting, muscles are not used. Especially if you spend more time sitting all day than standing, walking, or doing other activities. When you stand up, your abdominal muscles tighten so they work, but when you sit down, your abdominal muscles are not used so they can weaken.

4. Weakening of brain power

While sitting, you can do your work at the computer and use your brain to think. But did you know that sitting for long periods of time can also weaken your brain. If you move, eating muscles will move to pump blood and oxygen to the brain and will trigger the release of chemicals in the brain. However, if you sit too long, the brain function will be slower. This is because the circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain goes slower.

5. Pain in the neck and spine

Sitting for long periods of time can also cause neck and spine pain. This is because sitting for long periods coupled with uncomfortable positions can cause tension in the neck bones and back pain. Sitting too long can put pressure on the spine and the discs that make up the spine, which can cause pain in the neck and spine.

How to prevent health problems due to sitting too long?

One solution is to spend less time sitting and doing more movement. You can start with simple movements, such as standing, walking, and other light exercise. If you feel that you are sitting too much while working, alternate with small sports activities by moving your body. If you have the opportunity to stand or walk instead of sitting, then choose to stand or walk. Start small, such as:

  • It is better to stand in public transportation than to sit down
  • It is better to walk a little longer to get home than to use a faster vehicle to get home
  • Better to use the stairs to get to the top floor than going up elevator

The methods above are only examples, there are many other ways. Moving a little can bring about a big change in your body. By walking or doing more moderate exercise than sitting, your body will burn more calories. This can help you lose weight and strengthen muscles.


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