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The Right Way to Get Rid of Excessive Anxiety

Anxiety is a form of emotion characterized by unpleasant feelings due to inner turmoil. Not infrequently, there are those who feel tormented because they feel excessively anxious, which causes such as feelings of restlessness, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and difficulty focusing. It’s not easy to get rid of anxiety. Here are some ways that you can help you get rid of anxiety.

Various ways to get rid of excessive anxiety

You can do the following ways:

1. Return to your environment

Usually, when someone experiences excessive anxiety, they will tend to withdraw from the environment. In fact, one way to deal with depression is by having social support from the closest people. When you are experiencing anxiety or depression, try to share how you feel and stay in touch with your surroundings. Although it is not easy, isolating yourself from the environment is also not a way out of the chaos that you are experiencing.

2. Do what you love

One of the best ways to get rid of anxiety and depression tendencies is to do what you love – watch movies, go out for walks, go to the beach, sing, etc. And even though you can’t always force yourself to do the things you love, you still try to push yourself to always be active – at least not what you hate.

3. Do something new

In addition to doing things you enjoy, you also need to do new things to get rid of excessive anxiety. When you challenge yourself to do new things, without your realizing it, your body will produce the hormone dopamine, which is associated with pleasure and happiness.

4. Go outside to bathe in the sunshine

Without you knowing it, lack of sunlight can exacerbate your anxiety and depression. Try to get out of your room every now and then so you can be exposed to the sun, at least 15 minutes a day. Sunlight is known to increase levels of the happy hormone serotonin, thereby improving your mood.

5. Regular exercise to relieve anxiety

Research shows that regular exercise can relieve symptoms of depression. Physical activity, such as exercising, can increase the production of endorphins, which have the effect of reducing pain and triggering feelings of pleasure, calm, or happiness. And of course, you don’t need to exercise excessively to get the benefits, just light exercise but do it regularly such as walking 10 minutes, etc.

6. Eat a healthy diet

Without you knowing it, the food you eat can have an impact on how you feel. Therefore, it is not surprising that you will feel irritated or tired when you eat a meal late. And to overcome anxiety or depression, you can minimize the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates, but it is recommended that you increase your intake of B vitamins because deficiency of B vitamins (such as folic acid and B12) can trigger depression. Some foods that can treat depression are foods rich in omega-3s such as salmon, tuna, etc.

7. Get enough sleep

Difficulty sleeping can be a symptom of depression. To deal with feelings of anxiety or depression, try changing your sleep patterns. Start getting enough sleep for at least 7 hours per day, and get rid of things that can interfere with the quality of your sleep.

8. Think positively to relieve anxiety

One thing that can make your anxiety and depression worse is negative thoughts about yourself or your surroundings. Therefore, one way to deal with anxiety and depression is to think positively.

If you have done some of the tips for relieving anxiety above but these negative feelings are not getting better, consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis and medical assistance for your recovery.

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