Benefits of Cat Whiskers for Kidney and Urinary Health
Cat whiskers that have a Latin name Orthosiphon aristatus It grows a lot in Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. Due to its shape that resembles a cat’s whiskers, this plant is also known as cat whiskers or java plant. Apart from being an ornamental plant, cat whiskers are also commonly used as herbal remedies for many certain health conditions. One of the most famous benefits of cat whiskers is to treat urinary tract infections and kidney disease.
The benefits of cat whiskers for treating urinary tract infections
Cat whiskers are generally used as herbal remedies to fight bacterial infections, such as wounds on the skin or swollen gums. Thanks to its anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, there are many other benefits of cat whiskers, ranging from treating rheumatism and gout, kidney disease (especially kidney stones), as an allergy medicine, to stopping seizures.
However, the main benefit of cat’s whiskers and has been proven by a number of medical studies is as a urinary tract infection drug thanks to its diuretic effect.
The benefits of cat whiskers have been reported by a study published in the journal Ethnoparmhacology which carried out tests on several lab rats. The rats were given drinking water that had been added with cat whiskers extract.
The result is known that in the body, cat whiskers extract works to trigger an increase in urine production which makes you urinate more frequently. Indirectly, back and forth urinating can help flush the bacteria that enter the bladder. This also helps reduce the chance that bacteria can stick to cells in the walls of the urinary tract, which can lead to infection.
Things that must be considered when consuming a cat’s whiskers
Until now, there is not enough scientific evidence to determine a safe dose of herbal medicine for cat’s whiskers, along with the possible risks.
The above research found that cat whiskers extract also slightly increased serum BUN and blood glucose levels. Although increasing levels of blood urea and blood glucose within reasonable levels is still safe, this can be a reference that you should not take these herbal medicines carelessly.
The reason is, an increase in blood urea levels that are too high can actually indicate a disturbance in the urinary tract or even kidney damage. Increased blood sugar levels have also been linked to the risk of various long-term health problems.
Remember: Before using herbal medicines or supplements as urinary tract infection drugs, you should first consult with your doctor to find out a safe dosage for you. Make sure to follow the instructions for use that are listed on the product label before using it.
Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.