5 Benefits of Red Onions for Your Body Health

Almost all Indonesian foods use shallots as a spice in their cooking. Not only does it make food tastier and tastier, onions also have health benefits because they are rich in nutrients. So, what are the benefits of this onion? Come on, check the benefits in the following review.
Nutritional content in red onions
Shallots which have a scientific name Allium cepa var ascalonicum (L) it has a distinctive smell so it can taste delicious. Usually, people process these onions by sautéing them with vegetables or frying them.
The benefits of red onions are not only flavoring, but also provide various nutrients that the body needs. In 100 grams of red onion, there are the following nutrients.
- Protein: 1.5 grams.
- Fat: 0.3 grams.
- Carbs: 9.2 grams.
- Fiber: 1.7 grams.
- Calcium: 36 mg.
- Phosphorus: 40 mg.
- Iron: 0.8 mg.
- Sodium: 7 mg.
- Potassium: 178.6 mg.
- Copper: 0.06 mg.
- Zinc: 0.2 mg.
- Thiamin (vitamin B1): 0.03 mg.
- Riboflavin (vitamin B2): 0.04 mg.
- Niacin (Vitamin B3): 0.2 mg.
- Vitamin C: 2 mg.
Benefits of onion for health
Based on its nutritional content, red onions are likely to provide benefits if you consume them regularly, such as the following.
1. Has the potential to prevent cancer
Cancer is formed from abnormal body cells. Although health experts do not know the exact cause, they think that exposure to free radicals is one of the risk factors.
Free radicals, namely molecules present in pollution or cigarette smoke, can cause oxidative stress that triggers cell damage. Long-term exposure to free radicals that damage cells can make cells abnormal. Ultimately causing cells to grow, develop out of control, and form tumors.
The preventive measure for cancer is to increase the consumption of antioxidant-rich foods. Well, red onions are included in a row of spices rich in antioxidants that provide protection benefits of body cells from damage due to oxidative stress.
2. Overcoming inflammation
When viruses, bacteria, or foreign substances enter the body, the immune system will make antibodies to fight these threatening substances. However, this process will produce substances that can cause inflammation. Now, when inflammation occurs in the long term, the risk of various chronic diseases will increase, for example heart disease and cancer.
So that the inflammation does not get worse, you can eat anti-inflammatory foods, such as onions. Until now, research is still conducting further studies on the benefits of this onion.
3. Supports nerve and muscle health
Shallots are rich in potassium, whose function is very vital for the body. Potassium in red onion has properties to support muscles and nerves so they can work normally.
Healthy nerves and muscles will certainly support you in various activities every day. If your potassium levels are low, you may have nerve or muscle problems. The most common health problems experienced by weak muscles and body weakness. Therefore, the benefits of the potassium content in onions can help maintain healthy nerves and muscles.
4. Has the potential to increase the immune system
Cold or flu is the disease that is most often complained about because it is very contagious. You need healthy food so you don’t get sick easily, so that your immune system improves.
You can boost your immune system by eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as onions. According to studies in journals Nutrients, vitamin C stimulates white blood cells to the site of infection, forms antioxidants, and kills microbes that attack the body.
In addition, vitamin C in red onions is also useful for increasing the immune system’s response, thereby minimizing the possibility of damage by pathogens (germs).
5. Healthy bones
The benefits of red onions that you need to know are maintaining bone health. This benefit comes from the calcium content in shallots. This mineral keeps bones strong and stimulates the growth of new bone cells to replace damaged bone cells.
Not only calcium, other minerals in shallots also provide similar benefits, such as copper, iron, and phosphorus.
Healthy tips for eating red onions
You already know, right, the benefits of onion for health? Now, if you want to get these benefits, add red onions in your cooking. In addition, you can also serve the onions as pickles with the addition of east and carrots.
Although healthy, consumption of shallots should not be excessive. This is because eating too many onions can make your stomach bloated and uncomfortable. Moreover, not everyone can eat red onions because they may have allergies to certain ingredients in them.
Apart from onions, Indonesian people also usually consume garlic, and some also take the benefits of black onions for health. However, if you have a special health condition, you should always consult a doctor first.
Hello Health Group and Hello Sehat do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please check our editorial policy page for more detailed information.
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