11 Best Protein Sources From Vegetable Food

Today, more and more people are choosing to reduce their consumption of meat and turn to other meat-substitute protein sources for a variety of reasons; from adapting to being a vegan, trying to reduce your carbon footprint, lowering your risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes, or simply wanting to limit processed meat products. Whether the effort to stop eating meat is considered healthy or not, is still a hot debate, but that does not stop this trend from growing.
But, how will you get enough protein if you don’t eat meat?
Yes, meat and eggs are complete protein, and nuts and seeds are not. But the truth is, humans don’t need all nine essential amino acids in every bite of the food they eat; we just need adequate amounts of each amino acid every day – after all, there are already 11 amino acids that the body automatically produces.
In this article, we bring you 11 of the best plant-based protein sources – vegetables, nuts and seeds, and minimally processed meat alternatives, such as tempeh – for you.
1. Tempe
There is no doubt why this soybean fermented processed food is one of the favorite staples of Indonesians. Per 100 grams of tempeh, contains 201 kcal of energy, 20.8 g of protein, 8.8 g of fat, 13.5 g of carbohydrates, 1.4 g of dietary fiber, calcium, vitamin B, and iron.
One more plus point of tempe, apart from its cheap price, you can create tempeh into a variety of filling dishes to replace red meat, ranging from orek tempe, chili tempe, to making “meatballs”.
2. Know
Tofu includes foods that are low in calories (70 kcal), cholesterol (0%), and sodium (1%). Per 100 grams, the benefits of tofu also need not be doubted because it is a source of protein (8 grams), iron (9%), magnesium (37 mg), phosphorus (121 mg), copper (0.2 mg), and selenium (9 , 9 mcg), and an excellent source of calcium (201 mg) and manganese (0.6 mg)
Starting from tofu, to tofu pepes, tofu is very versatile to be processed into a filling side dish. As an alternative, can you mix tofu into a stir fry or want to try making sweet tofu for dessert today?
3.Edamame (Japanese soybeans)
Foods made from soybeans are the highest source of plant protein. After tofu and tempeh, now his distant relative, edamame. In its simplest serving form, boiled edamame, this Japanese favorite contains 11.4 grams of protein, 6.6 grams of lipids, 7.4 grams of carbohydrates, 1.9 grams of fiber, 70 mg of calcium and 140 mg of phosphorus.
When you get bored with the boiled version, you can anticipate eating edamame by sautéing it with your other favorite vegetables, or adding it to salads or pasta.
4. Quinoa
Quinoa, technically in the grain family, is a superfood that many nutritionists want – it’s not without reason. Per 100 grams, quinoa is enriched by 4 grams of protein, fiber (2.8 grams), iron (1.5 mg), magnesium (64 mcg), manganese (0.6 mcg), and includes all nine essential amino acids. needed by the body for growth and repair, but cannot produce on its own. (Because of this, quinoa is often referred to as the “perfect protein”).
Quinoa is a great rice alternative, and it’s also flexible to add to muffins, fritters, pastries, soups, oatmeal breakfast cereal toppings, or as a filling topping on salads at lunch.
5. Chickpeas (chickpeas)
Also known as garbanzo beans, these nuts can be sprinkled on salads, fried and marinated for a crunchy snack, or mashed into hummus (simply process a handful of chickpeas with some of the spices and tahini or almond oil in a blender until smooth).
Chickpeas are a fairly high source of protein, which is 9 grams of protein per 100 grams. These nuts are also a good food source of dietary fiber (8 grams), folate (172 mcg), and manganese (1 mcg). Chickpeas are low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium.
6. Almonds
One ounce of unsalted roasted almonds contains 5.5 grams of carbohydrates, 3.3 grams of dietary fiber, 8% calcium, 7% iron, and 6.5 grams of protein.
Almonds are also a good source of vitamin E, which is great for the health of your hair and skin. These nuts also provide up to 61% of the recommended daily intake of magnesium. The high content of magnesium in almonds makes it effective in suppressing sugar cravings, encourages bone health, and relieves muscle aches and spasms.
7. Chia seed
Chia seeds are a plant-based source of the highest amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, and contain more fiber than flaxseeds or peanuts. Just two tablespoons of Chia seeds, your body will be enriched by 2 grams of protein and 11 frams of dietary fiber. Chia is also a good food source of iron, calcium, zinc and antioxidants. However, chia seeds have a small amount of lysine.
Chia seeds can be sprinkled on top of salads, stirred into yogurt or oatmeal, mixed into smoothies, or made the main star of your diet: they will expand and change in texture as if soaked in liquid (plain water or milk). thus forming a soft and dense cream. This uniqueness makes Chia seeds a great food for making healthy puddings, thickening smoothies, or replacing eggs for pastries or cakes.
8. Spinach
Vegetables don’t have as much protein as nuts or whole grains, but some dark green leafy vegetables contain nearly the same amount of nutrients – and are also fortified with antioxidants and heart-healthy fiber. Spinach, for example.
Per 100 grams of boiled spinach contains 2.4 grams of dietary fiber, 3 grams of protein, 209% vitamin A, 16% vitamin C, 13% calcium, and 20% iron.
9. Broccoli
Broccoli is not only a plant-rich source of fiber, but also contains a surprising amount of protein for a vegetable. Per 100 grams of boiled broccoli, you will get 2 grams of protein, 40 mg of calcium, 67 mcg of phosphorus, 31% vitamin A, and 108 mcg of folate. Broccoli also contains sulforaphane, an anti-cancer compound.
10. Potatoes
Despite its reputation as a nutrient depleted food, one medium potato (about 150 grams) boiled with the skin and without salt contains 4 grams of protein along with about 20% of the recommended daily intake of potassium, which promotes heart health.
You like french fries typical of fast food restaurants? Why not switch out your favorite menu items every now and then with sprouted or baked potatoes, two much healthier alternatives?
11. Avocado
This super dense green fruit is delicious and creamy thanks to its monounsaturated fatty acids and protein. Half a medium fresh avocado contains 77% fat, 19% carbohydrates, and 4% protein (2 grams).
Avocados are also very flexible. You can eat them immediately when they’re ripe, add avocado slices to your salad, crush them as guacamole with bell peppers, tomatoes, and lime, or blend with frozen banana or whey protein for a filling, fresh smoothies.
Hello Health Group and Hello Sehat do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please check our editorial policy page for more detailed information.
The 20 Highest Protein Veggies (And Other Plant-Based Foods) You Can Eat http://www.prevention.com/eatclean/high-protein-vegetables accessed Sept 22, 2016
14 Best Vegan and Vegetarian Protein Sources http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20718479,00.html/view-all accessed Sept 22, 2016
12 BEST SOURCES OF PLANT-BASED PROTEIN http://nakedfoodmagazine.com/12-best-sources-of-plant-based-protein/ accessed Sept 22, 2016