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3 Benefits of Dinner for Body Health

Each meal has different benefits for the body. For example, at breakfast. This morning meal time is useful as energy intake to start a variety of activities. Meanwhile, lunch is useful as a means of resting from activities to replenish energy and a sense of focus on the mind. So what are the benefits of dinner?

Many people actually avoid dinner because it is considered a trigger for weight gain. Eits, but it turns out that dinner also has important benefits for the body, you know!

Health benefits of dinner

1. Provide energy intake

Dinner is the last energy intake for the body because you will not eat again for at least 10 hours or more from the night until breakfast arrives. Therefore, you must ensure that you have an adequate supply of glucose in your body to use as fuel during sleep.

Often times, the reason you often wake up in the middle of the night is when the blood sugar level drops. This makes the body have to release glucose reserves that are stored by the body so that it causes you to wake up during sleep, sometimes even causing insomnia again.

To overcome this, it is very important to eat the right kind of dinner which combines protein (meat, eggs, beans) and carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta, rice, vegetables and fruit) so that later it is able to release glucose stably into the stream. blood.

2. Stabilizes the mood

Apart from being able to stabilize blood sugar, having the right dinner is also necessary in order to get the right amino acids. Amino acids work as neurotransmitters thattransports messages to the nervous system. In addition, amino acids also play an important role in arousing mood.

One of the hormones formed by amino acids is serotonin which affects moods such as feelings of comfort, relaxation, optimism, and others. Therefore, if the serotonin level is insufficient, it can lead to mood disorders, sleep problems, and aggressive and compulsive behavior.

Humans get serotonin from foods containing the amino acid tryptophan. Therefore, it is very important at dinner that you eat foods that contain protein, and balanced with the intake of foods that contain carbohydrates, but of course those that are low in fat.

Some foods containing tryptophan are good for the body, namely chicken, turkey, fresh tuna, soybeans, nuts, seeds, and bananas.

3. Refresh the mind

With a busy day, sometimes we forget to just enjoy life in a simple way – hanging out with family and loved ones, for example. Another benefit of dinner is that it offers an excellent opportunity as a means of gathering to unwind and stress after a day of activity.

A study conducted by Harvard researchers found that families who eat dinner together every day get adequate intake of nutrients such as calcium, fiber, iron, vitamins B6 and B12, and vitamins C and E. This is because food cooked at home is usually cooked the right way.

Dinner rules to stay healthy and not make you fat

There are several things that must be considered so that you can still get the benefits of dinner without disturbing your health or making you gain weight.

  • It is permissible to eat at night, it just has to be done properly. Always pay attention to the intake of calories absorbed by the body.
  • It takes about 20 minutes for the body to feel when the stomach is full. Therefore, eat slowly, don’t rush. This will prevent you from overeating and ending up full.
  • Don’t eat too late. This is because the longer you delay dinner, the more likely you are to overeat because you will feel hungrier. Try to eat dinner by 8 PM and don’t go to bed immediately after eating. Give it 3 hours for food to digest before you go to sleep.
  • Avoid fatty foods late at night. The reason is, fatty foods are not very good for the body. In addition, foods that contain fat are very difficult to digest, allowing you to experience indigestion such as stomach pain, which causes the quality of your sleep to be disturbed.

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