11 Foods That Contain Calcium Apart from Milk
When asked about the source of calcium, surely what comes to your mind is dairy products. In fact, there are many other foods that contain calcium other than milk. Come on, find out the various foods through the following reviews!
Various foods and drinks that contain calcium
Getting enough calcium is very important, for both adults and children. Calcium is a mineral that plays a major role in maintaining the health of your body.
This mineral is needed for bone formation, muscle function, cells and nerves in the human body.
Maybe some people worry that they can’t meet their daily calcium needs, especially for those who have lactose intolerance.
Because of this, some people choose to take calcium supplements to meet their daily needs.
In fact, you don’t need to take calcium supplements. Simply eating various types of foods that contain calcium, such as the foods below, can help you meet your calcium needs.
1. Sardines
You may not think that sardines contain a lot of calcium. Yes, sardines are one of the foods that contain high calcium.
Apparently, the bones that are still present in sardines are high in calcium.
So, if you eat canned sardines, you shouldn’t remove the bones. In a serving of nearly 100 grams of canned sardines, it is estimated that the calcium content can meet about 35% of the daily requirement.
2. Anchovies
Apart from sardines, fish that also contain lots of calcium are anchovies. Just like sardines, anchovies contain calcium in their bones.
When you eat anchovies, you are also eating anchovies directly. This is where you get the calcium intake in anchovies.
3. Broccoli
Apart from animal sources, you can also get calcium from vegetable sources. You can find calcium in various types of green vegetables, one of which is broccoli.
At a one-cup serving of 128 grams, broccoli contains as much as 60 milligrams of calcium.
Apart from calcium, broccoli is also a good source of vitamin C.
4. Kale
Kale is also one of the green leafy vegetables that is rich in calcium. In 128 grams of cooked kale, the calcium content reaches 179 milligrams.
In addition, kale also contains vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin K.
5. Spinach
This “Popeye” food is also a good source of calcium. Half a glass of spinach (125 ml) contains about 130 milligrams of calcium.
Just like broccoli, spinach also contains other minerals and vitamins, such as iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and others.
6. Lettuce
You may often find this vegetable in salads or as a food garnish. Not inferior to other green vegetables, lettuce also contains many good nutrients, one of which is calcium.
Especially if you are on a diet that is high in fiber, you can help meet your calcium needs by eating lettuce. In 50 grams of lettuce, it contains as much as 19 milligrams of calcium.
7. Edamame

Apart from the vegetables above, edamame can also be a source of calcium for those of you who don’t consume dairy products.
Edamame is processed from soybeans. A 155 gram serving of edamame can meet your calcium needs by up to 10 percent.
Nuts, which are common in Asian cuisine, are also high in protein. A total of nine essential amino acids are contained in edamame.
Plus, edamame contains fiber which is good for your digestive health.
8. Almonds
Most of you probably really like these nuts. Almonds are one of the most nutritious nuts.
These nuts have a higher calcium content than other types of nuts. A cup serving of almonds contains 246 milligrams of calcium.
Apart from being a source of calcium, almonds also turn out to be foods that contain high protein, vitamin E and potassium.
Although these nuts also contain fat, the type of fat contained is good fat which can help lower bad cholesterol levels. 30 grams of almonds contain as much as 75 mg of calcium.
9. Know
Tofu is also one of the processed soy foods. A total of 120 grams of tofu contains 126 mg of calcium.
Quite a lot, right? Tofu can be a good source of protein for vegetarians or people who have a lactose intolerance.
10. Soy milk
Not only almond milk, soy milk can also be an alternative for those of you who cannot drink cow’s milk or other animal milk.
Especially when soy milk has been fortified (added nutrients), the calcium content can reach 340 milligrams in a one-cup serving.
You can consume soy milk as a substitute for regular milk for cereal or add it to a cup of tea and coffee.
11. Orange juice
Oranges themselves actually have a small amount of calcium. However, some products that are sold have been fortified so that their calcium content can be higher.
However, packaged orange juice is also usually added with added sugar. Therefore, you only need to consume one glass.
With all its properties, remember not to eat foods that contain excessive calcium.
Fill calcium intake according to your needs. If necessary, you can consult a nutritionist to find out how much calcium your body needs.
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