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Tips for Using Greek Yogurt for Hair and Face • Hello Sehat

Yogurt is a nutritious food that can aid digestion and support the body’s need for minerals, such as calcium and iron for strong bones, teeth, and immunity. One of the most popular yogurt trends in recent years is greek yogurt.

What is greek yogurt?

Greek yogurt is yogurt that goes through a three-time filtering process to reduce its water content, resulting in a thicker texture, between yogurt and cheese. The taste is typical sour yogurt.

Greek yogurt is higher in protein than regular yogurt; 170 grams of greek yogurt contains 20 grams of protein, the same as half a chicken breast. Conventional yogurt contains only 9 grams of protein. In addition, this “hipster” yogurt is also low in carbohydrates, about 8 grams when compared to regular yogurt which contains 18 grams of carbohydrates.

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Greek yogurt for beauty

Dermatologist from New York, Dr. Whitney Bowe, said, the good bacteria property in yogurt is not only good for fighting intestinal inflammation and neutralizing toxins in the body, but also can make a significant improvement in the appearance of the skin, either when consumed by mouth or when applied to the skin as a beauty care product.

When we meet the body’s needs with refined carbohydrates and foods without fiber, the digestive tract will run slowly. This causes changes in the type of bacteria that live in the intestines. As a result, the “bad” molecules that should remain in the intestine for later disposal will actually leak into the bloodstream and trigger inflammation in the skin. This inflammation is what we see as pimples, reddish spots, and dry, scaly areas of the skin.

Controlling your intake of simple carbohydrates helps, but probiotic intake is the key to restoring the balance of good bacteria in your gut – as a result, skin problems will disappear.

Greek yogurt for the face

Greek yogurt is a great moisturizer for your skin. Greek yogurt contains lactic acid, an alpha hydroxy acid which helps improve dry and rough skin and prevents premature aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots.

Lactic acid helps dissolve dead skin cells that accumulate in facial pores, causing the face to look dull and dark. In addition, lactic acid also functions to shrink pores and make your face look younger.

Use the plain yogurt typewithout added preservatives and oats to make a facial scrub. Stir and distribute the mixture all over your face. Massage your face in a circular motion and let it sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

Alternatively, you can rub plain greek yogurt all over your face and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. To even out the complexion, let the mask sit for 40 minutes.

For acne treatment, rub plain greek yogurt directly into the acne area or areas that are prone to acne. Leave it overnight, wash your face with cold water in the morning.

Greek yogurt for hair

Yogurt, regardless of type, is rich in protein. Protein is an essential mineral needed for healthy hair growth.

Apply plain greek yogurt to your hair and scalp, wrap hair in a warm towel or shower cap, leave the yogurt for 30 minutes until it is completely absorbed. Then, wash your hair as usual.

You can also use the moisturizing property in yogurt as a natural conditioner, a substitute for bottled products that contain harmful active ingredients. In a bowl, pour plain greek yogurt, aloe vera gel, and coconut oil to taste. Stir the dough until blended. Apply this natural conditioner to your hair shaft, starting from the middle to the ends. Let stand for 1 hour. Rinse using a mild shampoo.

To treat hair loss, use half a bowl of plain greek yogurt mixed with coconut milk. Apply to all hair and let stand for about 30 minutes. Rinse with mild shampoo.

To strengthen hair, mix plain greek yogurt with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply it to the scalp and let it sit for a while. Rinse thoroughly.


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