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Not Just Myths, Sports Make You Happy Without Having To Eat Money

Everyone must be tired, stressed, and feel unhappy due to the various pressures that must be faced. So, do you know that there is an easy way to get rid of these things and it doesn’t cost a lot of money? Yes, enough with exercise, you can build a more positive and happy mind. However, how can sports actually make you happy? Here comes the explanation.

Is it true that exercise makes you happy?

When we exercise, there will be an increase in endorphins. The term endorphin hormone was first coined in 1970 by Roger Gulemin and Andrew W. This hormone functions as a neurotransmitter (carrier of signals in the human nervous system), is produced by the pituitary gland and has a unique structure resembling morphine so that endorphins also have the ability to reduce pain.

These endorphins are the key to why exercise makes you happy and at the same time reduces your stress levels.

In addition to increasing endorphins, exercise can also increase the hormones dopamine, serotonin, and tryptophan. Dopamine is often called the happiness hormone, because it makes a person feel happy. Meanwhile, serotonin functions to regulate emotions, memory, and reduce stress levels in the body due to physical exhaustion.

Dopamine and serotonin will then work together to regulate mood someone and arouses feelings of pleasure and creates positive thoughts on yourself. This will certainly be very good for your social life and career. Doing regular exercise can increase the production and metabolism of serotonin in the brain cortex and brainstem.

Are there any other unique benefits of exercise?

Besides that, it turns out that exercise also has other positive effects. Regular exercise can help with psychiatric problems, support recovery from injury to the brain, and help prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Exercise can also reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. This is because chronic diseases will increase the risk if you are overweight. With regular exercise, your weight will be better maintained so that you avoid obesity.

In addition to making exercise happy, this activity is also often used to reduce depression. Those who actively exercised were found to have decreased levels of anxiety, stress and depression. Even doing family work can also be used as a therapy for those who experience mild to moderate depression if it is combined with counseling and a sleep schedule.correct.

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