Listen carefully, 5 mistakes in educating children that parents often make

Caring for children is not only fulfilling their daily needs. However, forming a good personality moment adult. Unfortunately, there are still many parents who make mistakes in educating their children. What are the mistakes in educating children that parents often make? Come on, take a look at the following reviews so you can avoid mistakes in caring for your baby.
Mistakes in educating children that are often made by parents
Being a parent is not easy. Even though you are proud, you must face various difficult situations when dealing with your little one. You also have the responsibility to shape the child’s personality for the better. Unfortunately, there are still many parents who don’t realize that there are some mistakes they have made in educating their children, including:
1. Not being a good role model
Did you know that your parents are their role models or models? If you want your little one to be kind, then you have to model good attitudes in everyday life. Conversely, if you have bad behavior, your little one will definitely copy it.
Whether you realize it or not, you must have had bad behavior in educating children. For example, yelling or slamming something when angry, hitting, littering, laziness, or other bad attitudes. If you do this, don’t blame your child if he does this too. For that, be a good model for your children by changing themselves for the better.
2. Too critical and often compare
How would you feel if you were severely criticized? Of course you will not be happy right. Yes, this unpleasant feeling can also be felt by your little one if you criticize too often.
Giving excessive criticism to children is a mistake in educating children that is often not realized by parents. In fact, the impact will make the child bored listening to your criticism and it will be even more difficult to manage.
In addition, in the midst of criticism, parents often compare their children to other children. Even if your goal is to motivate the child to change his attitude, this action can destroy the child’s self-confidence. Praising other children as being better than him also creates jealousy which can lead him to commit despicable acts. For example, cheating because he wants to score better than his friends.
Children really need to be criticized if they are wrong. However, use more refined language without hurting his feelings. Do not also compare him with his peers. Instead, reward him for his hard work and motivate him to change.
3. Expect too high and demanding
Children are always happy if they are proud of their parents. On the other hand, he will be very sad and frustrated when he does not meet your expectations and your partner. This generally occurs in parents with high expectations for the child’s abilities. For example, expecting your child to eat properly by age 3, demanding that he be a class champion or win a race.
So that you avoid this mistake of educating this child, don’t be selfish. You need to know the limits of the child’s abilities and not stress him out.
4. Inconsistent and no limitations
The way of educating children that is often done wrong is inconsistent. You sometimes do strict with the rules, but other times being completely indifferent to the things the child does. This way of educating can confuse and make it difficult for children to behave.
Especially if you don’t set boundaries and let your kids do whatever they like. This attitude of spoiling children, of course, will make them unwilling to be regulated and tend to be selfish. Even if it’s difficult, try to enforce rules and restrictions when playing, watching TV, or snacking.
5. Fight with the child
When scolded, your child may say something back to you. You are the one who is provoked and provoked by anger in responding to the child’s words Instead of silencing the child, this actually makes the atmosphere even more cloudy. Rather than responding to his words, it is better to say a word of affirmation. Then, adopt a more effective way of disciplining your child, for example using a method time out.
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