Important Nutrition to Prevent Coronavirus (COVID-19) Transmission

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To prevent the spread of COVID-19, health agencies in each country urge everyone to wash their hands and limit interactions with others. In addition to these steps, did you know that meeting nutritional needs is equally important to prevent transmission coronavirus the cause of COVID-19?
Each type of nutrition has its own health benefits. Some of them can even help the body fight virus attacks, no exception coronavirus which is now endemic throughout the world. What nutrients do you need and what are their sources?
The importance of nutrition to prevent transmission coronavirus

The components of the immune system are made up of various cells, proteins, tissues and organs. Each of these components work together to fight pathogens (germs) that enter the body, whether in the form of bacteria, parasites, or viruses such as coronavirus.
The immune system fights infection coronavirus by forming antibodies.Antibody is a special protein that can bind to proteins in pathogens. Once bound, antibodies can kill pathogens so that the body recovers from disease.
However, coronavirus certainly more difficult to fight when the systemweak immune system. One of the factors affecting this system is nutrition. Proper nutritional intake will strengthen the function of the immune system so that the body is able to prevent viral infections more effectively.
If your immune system is strong enough, each component in it can form antibodies that are just as strong. The antibodies will then kill coronavirus in the body and prevent it from causing disease.
The most important nutrition for preventing transmission coronavirus
Nutrients needed to prevent transmission coronavirus the cause of COVID-19 is actually the same as the nutrition you need to prevent flu.
1. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are a source of energy for immune system cells. The carbohydrates you eat are converted into energy in a process called glycolysis. Apart from producing energy, this process also supports production lymphocyte cells.
Lymphocytes function to recognize proteins on the surface of pathogens, form antibodies, and kill pathogens that cause damage to body tissues. When the body is exposed coronavirus, these cells reacted first.
2. Protein and amino acids
Nutrition is most important to prevent transmission coronavirus certainly involves protein. The reason is, protein is the most important ingredient for forming immune cells. Lack of protein will increase a person’s riskinfected with disease.
Apart from protein, the immune system also needs amino acids in the form of arginine and glutamine. Amino acids are the smallest compounds that make up proteins. Both of these compounds are necessary for the formation of lymphocytes.
3. Vitamins and minerals
Vitamins and minerals are two nutrients that should not be left behind in preventing transmission coronavirus. The function of vitamins is to keep immune cells working normally. The types of vitamins you need include vitamins A, C, E, and B complex.
Examples of minerals required such as selenium, zinc, and iron. Selenium maintains cell strength and prevents DNA damage, zinc triggers an immune response, while iron helps absorption of vitamin C.
In order to form a strong immune system, in addition to taking vitamin C, you also need a combination of several vitamins and minerals.
4. Antioxidants
Antioxidants are various compounds that can ward off free radicals and protect immune cells from damage. With this one nutrient, the immune system can function optimally and help prevent infection coronavirus.
You can get antioxidants in the form of vitamins E, C, D, or beta-carotene which are the raw material for vitamin A. In addition to vitamins, you can also get them from compoundsflavonoids and lycopene which is found in many vegetables and fruits.
Food to prevent transmission novel coronavirus
Basically, there is no food that can definitely prevent transmission novel coronavirus. However, there are several types of food and drink that can strengthen your immune system and protect you from the risk of infection.
1. Citrus fruits and blueberries
Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C can fight off coronavirus by increasing the production of white blood cells. You can get these benefits by eating whole fruits or adding them to your favorite foods.
The most popular citrus fruits include:
- sweet orange
- tangerine
- lime
- lime gedang (grapefruit)
- lemon
Apart from citrus fruits, you can also prevent transmission coronavirus with various types berriesespecially blueberries. Blueberry rich in antioxidants called anthocyanins. These compounds have the potential to reduce the risk of infection in the respiratory tract.
2. Green vegetables
Green vegetables, especially broccoli and spinach, are a storehouse of important nutrients for the immune system. By eating broccoli, you can get fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins A, C, and E which are beneficial.
Meanwhile, spinach contains vitamin C, flavonoids, and beta carotene. All three of them strengthen the immune system by increasing the production of white blood cells. That way, the body is more resistant to attacks coronavirus.
3. Seasonings and spices
Herbs and spices have substances that help the body prevent infection coronavirus. Garlic, for example, is used to treat colds thanks to the allicin content in it. Allicin is allegedly effective at preventing infection, especially in the respiratory tract.
There are also ginger and turmeric which contain antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory compounds. The various compounds in both of them can help the body’s cells fight bacteria and viruses when you are not feeling well.
4. Yogurt and kefir
Yogurt and kefir contain good bacteria called probiotics. Probiotics not only help the digestive system function, but also stimulate the immune system and make it stronger against infection.
5. Red peppers
Other nutrient-rich foods that help prevent transmission coronavirus are red peppers. Vitamin C in peppers is very high, even higher than citrus fruits. Apart from strengthening the immune system, red peppers will also make you healthier.
Can nutritional herbal drinks prevent transmission of coronavirus?
Some herbal drinks are said to ward off infection coronavirus. For example, herbal medicine from turmeric, ginger, and ginger was very popular because it was thought to make the body immune to COVID-19.
Apart from these ingredients, there are also cinnamon, green tea, ginseng, and other ingredients that are believed to protect the body from infection coronavirus. So, can herbal drinks really prevent infection?
The ingredients in herbal drinks do have antiviral compounds. This compound is able to inhibit virus multiplication in body cells so that it does not cause severe symptoms.
Herbal teas are even more beneficial because of their powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants can strengthen the T-cells in the immune system. T-cells function to inhibit disease progression and prevent the disease from getting worse.
In addition, the curcumin in ginger can also prevent cytokine storms in the body. Cytokine storms are a severe immune reaction. This condition is characterized by the release of large amounts of cytokines into the blood, thereby endangering life.
Although beneficial, the nutrition from herbal drinks is not a major player in preventing transmission coronavirus. The best way to fight infection coronavirus is to wash your hands and keep your distance from other people.
Is it necessary to take vitamin supplements and sunbathing?
You can actually meet your vitamin needs from a nutritionally balanced diet. If you want to increase your intake of vitamins, it is enough to increase your consumption of various vegetables and fruits.
Excessive intake of multivitamins can actually be detrimental to health. Too much vitamin A can reduce bone density, too much vitamin C can trigger diarrhea, and too much vitamin E is believed to increase the risk of heart disease.
Vegetables and fruits can provide adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals as long as they are consumed every day. Therefore, don’t forget to include fruits and vegetables in each of your meals.
Then, do you have to sunbathe to prevent COVID-19? Sunbathing has not actually been shown to kill coronavirus, but sunlight when sunbathing will trigger the formation of vitamin D in the body.
Vitamin D is important for stimulating the function of the innate immune system. By getting enough vitamin D, you keep your immune system strong and able to fight back coronavirus.
Currently, there is no cure or vaccine for COVID-19. The best way to prevent transmission coronavirus is washing hands, limiting contact with other people, and maintaining endurance through varied nutritional intake.
Read all articles about coronavirus (COVID-19) here.
Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
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