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Important Men's Hair Care Tips to Note

6 Tips for Men's Hair Care to Stay Healthy and Strong

Hair care is not only needed by women. Men also need hair care to keep their hair healthy and naturally beautiful. Without proper care, many problems will arise in your hair.

Hair care guide for men

men's hair care

Starting from too dry hair, hair loss, to baldness, are some of the damaged hair problems that are often experienced by men. How to do the right male hair care? Below is the list.

1. Do not wash your hair every day

An important principle of male hair care to note is not to shampoo frequently. The habit that is often done by men is washing their hair with shampoo. Not even a few who wash their hair twice a day because of heat.

In fact, too often shampooing and wetting your hair can make your scalp too dry and lose its natural moisture. Hair can feel itchy. So, you can wash your hair every other day or after exercising.

2. Dry the hair gently, do not rub

After using shampoo, use a hair conditioner and then dry your hair gently by patting your head and letting it air out. Use a large toothed comb to prevent hair pulling and falling out when combed.

It’s best not to use a towel to rub your hair if you want it to dry quickly. Because, rubbing wet hair actually damages the cuticles (outer layer of hair).

Also avoid using a hair dryer too often. Because, the hot temperature can make the scalp and hair dry.

3. Use conditioner too

Regarding conditioner, don’t just choose. Look for hair conditioners that contain protein and minerals. This content is very important for maintaining the health of men’s hair and making hair more manageable.

According to Oscar Blandi, a leading hair stylist in New York, USA, conditioner is not only for women’s hair. Men’s hair needs it too. What’s more, men’s hair is usually shorter and easier to thin.

Conditioner is very important to restore volume to men’s hair. Conditioner also functions as a counterweight to the shampoo used. One of the effects of using shampoo is that your hair becomes dry.

Well, conditioner functions as a moisturizer, moisturizes the scalp and hair, and restores the natural shine of hair with its nutrients.

After you use conditioner, don’t rinse it immediately, wait a few moments for the ingredients to be absorbed in the scalp and strengthen the hair follicles.

4. Routine haircut

This one man hair treatment should not be missed. A haircut is the only way to quickly get rid of damaged hair. So that, cut your hair regularly to remove the split ends.

If you are growing your hair out, it’s a good idea to keep your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks. Just cut off the ends to remove the damaged part.

5. Do not use too many products for hair

Using too many hair products such as gels, hair sprays, dyes, pomades, and other hair products too often and too much can actually make your hair look unnatural.

Too many products used also make hair heavier. It will interfere with your own comfort if not reduced.

As much as possible, cut back on the hair products that you can use when grooming or combing your hair.

6. Pay attention to food intake

Nutrients from food are also important in men’s hair care. Below are some nutrients that are very important for the health of your hair:


Protein can prevent hair frizz and fall out easily. Protein provides strength to the hair roots and makes your hair look more naturally beautiful.

You can find protein sources from soybeans, milk, eggs, nuts, cheese, fish, beef, chicken.

Vitamin C

For growth and maintaining the natural color of hair, vitamin C is the answer. A deficiency in vitamin C can make men’s hair dry or cracked. A deficiency in vitamin C also makes you prone to hair loss.

Fruits rich in vitamin C include strawberries, mangoes, papayas and pineapples. Vegetables that are high in vitamin C include tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, and spinach.


Iron is the oxygen supplier for hair. Hair follicles crave oxygen. Without sufficient iron, the flow of oxygen into the hair follicles will also be less.

If oxygen is lacking, the nutrients that reach the hair follicles are also not optimal. Sources of iron can be obtained from green vegetables and beef.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E plays an important role in hair health. Vitamin E helps prevent hair loss, improves blood circulation in the scalp, maintains oil production on the surface of the skin so that the scalp does not dry out easily.

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