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How to make a child for those of you who want to get pregnant quickly

There are various tips to get pregnant quickly or how to make a child circulating in the community. Some say that certain sex positions, such as missionary sex positions, will further increase the chances of pregnancy. Others say the way to make the most suitable child is to do it in a position doggy style.

Is it true that sex positions are the right way to make children? What are the things that can increase the chances of getting pregnant? Check out the explanation in this article.

Position having sex as a way of making children

There are two sex positions most commonly performed by couples during sex, which are thought to be the best sex positions for pregnancy.

First, missionary style is a position in which the woman lies on her back under the man. Meanwhile, men penetrate by inserting the penis into the vagina from above the woman’s body.

Second, the so-called sex positions can be done as a way of making children, namely doggy style. In this sex, the man penetrates from behind the woman’s body. This position can be done either by standing or kneeling.

These two positions are thought to be the best way if you want to make a child. However, whether these two positions are true can affect your success in having children.

Several scientists performed scans (scan) to see what happens in the body when using two sex positions that can be chosen as a way to make the child (doggy and missionaries). This scan concluded that these positions would indeed provide an opportunity for deeper penetration.

With these two positions, the distance between the sperm and the uterus is getting closer, so that the possibility of getting pregnant increases. However, there is no theory or study that is strong enough to prove that you and your partner can be 100% successful in making children that way.

In addition, you also need to know that the time during sex is also a factor that can help you successfully make children in this way. To make children, the way you need to do is have sex during your fertile period, especially on the day of your ovulation.

Find out your fertile period with Fertility Calculatorthe following:

Things that support how to make children

Here are some other child-making methods you might try.

1. Recognize uterine contractions

Did you know that compared to orgasm, uterine contractions turned out to be a more important factor if you want to know whether the way you are doing to make your child work or not. The reason is that the contractions in the uterus will greatly assist the sperm in reaching the egg.

Uterine contractions may or may not occur with an orgasm in a woman. Meanwhile, orgasm in women is generally just the achievement of satisfaction in having sex alone.

2. Stay on your back after making love

Some literature recommends that you, women, after sex, to stay on your back with your thighs higher than your stomach.

In addition, it will be much better if your back is supported by a pillow that is placed under your thigh, for 10 to 15 minutes after making the child by choosing the right sex position. By placing a pillow for support, you help the sperm to swim in the right direction and meet the egg.

3. Make love enough as a way of making children

Many people suspect that having sex too often can reduce the quality and quantity of a partner’s sperm. This is also supported by a study published in a journal Fertility and Sterility. The study explained that sperm quality would be better if it had been collected for 2-3 days.

Therefore, you are advised to have sexual intercourse once a day during your fertile period so that your chances of getting pregnant are higher. Do it by having sex more often, but don’t push yourself.

Instead of being the best way to make children, it actually makes it easier for you to feel stressed. Meanwhile, stress holds you back from getting pregnant.

However, if you experience failure to have children even though you have done how to make the child, don’t give up quickly. Failure a few months to once or twice, does not necessarily cause you to reduce the frequency with which you have sex with your partner, or even to make love close to your conception period.

If you are less than 35 years old, it is still considered normal if you are still struggling to make children in various ways for one year. That way, if you want to make children, the way you can do is have sex two to three times a week.

Different conditions, if you are over 35 years of age or have a history of sexually transmitted diseases, ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammation, or other medical history that can affect your fertility. You will be advised to consult your doctor first before trying to become pregnant.

4. Choose your lubricant carefully

Using lubricants during sex is not the right way to achieve pregnancy. The reason is, the use of lubricants can actually trigger the death of sperm cells.

If you still want to use lubricants, choose materials that are not harmful to sperm health. Using the wrong lubricant will actually make it harder for sperm to reach the egg. It is recommended to use natural lubricants.

5. Keep your body healthy

How to make an effective child also depends on your lifestyle. When you want to get pregnant quickly, don’t just focus on your reproductive health. You need to pay attention to other factors that can reduce your fertility.

One example you can do is reduce unhealthy habits, such as smoking or eating unhealthy foods. Another thing you can do is lose weight and reduce unnecessary consumption of various drugs.

You are also advised to reduce stress as you are trying to get pregnant. Therefore, to find out what lifestyle you have to improve if you want to succeed in making children, the initial way you can take is routine health checks.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.