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Foods for Hair Loss, What Are the Various Nutrients?

Did you know that one of the causes of hair loss that not many people are aware of is an unhealthy diet? Well, you can overcome this one hair damage by increasing the intake of certain nutrients in your diet to reduce hair loss.

Foods for hair loss, what are the nutrients?

teeth and mouth food
Source: Dentist Conroe, TX

Generally, healthy hair will experience a hair loss cycle of 50-100 strands per day. If you exceed this amount, you may experience excessive hair loss which is quite severe and requires special treatment.

The problem is that untreated hair loss can lead to permanent baldness. Fortunately, there are various ways you can do to deal with hair loss and one of them is to change a healthier diet.

So, what nutrients in food need to be added to get the right nutrients to help treat hair loss?

1. Iron

Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of hair loss. This is because iron deficiency is associated with anemia which can be characterized by hair loss.

This is proven through research from Practical & Conceptual Dermatology. The study reported that low ferritin levels were more common in women who experienced hair loss.

Ferritin is a protein that shows the total amount of iron reserves in the body. Even so, until now, experts are still finding out what iron has to do with hair loss.

However, you should still meet iron to reduce the amount of hair loss through the foods below.

  • Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach
  • Nuts
  • Meat and poultry
  • Iron supplements as directed by your doctor

2. Protein

Apart from iron, protein is also an important nutrient for reducing hair loss. Generally, a lack of protein can cause hair to become dry and break easily, making it more prone to hair loss.

You see, protein is a nutrient that is a source of energy needed for hair growth. The nutrients in this meat diet are believed to strengthen hair and stimulate hair to grow quickly.

Here are various protein sources that you can get to treat hair loss from within.

  • Meat
  • Egg
  • Dairy products
  • Fish
  • Nuts


3. Zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral that the body needs to regulate protein synthesis and cell division, including during the process of hair growth. That is why zinc is one of the nutrients in food that can be used to reduce hair loss.

Zinc deficiency is usually found in people on a vegetarian diet. The reason is, they consume more nuts and seeds that contain phytates. This phytate can bind zinc and inhibits absorption.

A number of studies have reported that people with low zinc levels are more likely to experience hair loss. However, when they were given zinc supplements orally, their condition improved and the hair loss decreased.

Even so, more research is needed to look at the efficacy of this supplement in healthy people experiencing hair loss.

4. Vitamin B complex

vitamins for women

B vitamins, including biotin (vitamin B7) and vitamin B6 are believed to be essential nutrients for treating hair loss. This is probably because these two vitamins can improve blood circulation in the scalp and rejuvenate hair follicles.

Meanwhile, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) can also reduce hair loss and thinning of hair.

You can get vitamin B complex in a number of foods, such as:

  • avocado, banana, and apple,
  • spinach, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower,
  • meat and fish,
  • nuts, as well
  • eggs and dairy products.

You can also take 100 mg of a vitamin B complex supplement per day for healthy hair growth. However, this method should be done with the advice of a visiting dermatologist.

5. Vitamin E

One well-known source of antioxidants is vitamin E. The reason is that the antioxidant content in it can reduce free radical damage and protect body cells.

The content of vitamin E is commonly used to help protect the skin from aging, inflammation, and sun damage. However, recently its function has expanded as a remedy for hair loss and turning it into healthy hair.

Research from Tropical Life Sciences Research prove this point. Experts have found that vitamin E supplements improve hair growth in those who experience hair loss.

This may be because the antioxidant properties in them help reduce oxidative stress on the scalp which is the cause of hair loss. By meeting the nutritional needs of vitamin E for the body, you are also free from hair loss.


6. Fatty acids

You can also add fatty acids, especially linoleic acid and arachidonic fatty acids, as essential nutrients for reducing hair loss. This is because the way linoleic acid works is similar to a hair loss drug, namely finasteride.

Linoleic acid can inhibit androgen hormones that damage hair follicles, so that hair breaks and falls out easily. Meanwhile, arachidonic acid and omega-6 acids are also claimed to help promote hair growth by increasing the hair follicle cycle.

In fact, there are many foods that you can use to treat hair loss. If you have further questions, please consult a dermatologist to get the right solution.

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