As a result of vitamin deficiency in the elderly, it can reduce the quality of life

The elderly are the group of people most vulnerable to malnutrition. Aging makes them experience various decreased body functions that can affect appetite. Ultimately, this can lead to eating disorders (such as anorexia) and nutritional deficiencies – including vitamin deficiencies – which reduce the quality of life of the elderly. Then, awhat are the consequences of vitamin deficiency in the elderly? Here’s the explanation.
Types of vitamins that are often insufficient, and what are the consequences of vitamin deficiency in the elderly?
1. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is useful for maintaining healthy and strong bones and teeth, increasing immunity, and helping absorption calcium and phosphorus in the body to make it more effective.
The best source of vitamin D is morning sunlight. Our skin will convert special cholesterol into vitamin D once exposed to sunlight. However, the lifestyle of the elderly who are less active and spend most of their time indoors can inhibit this mechanism. Moreover, the work of the skin in synthesizing vitamin D begins to decline as soon as you enter old age.
Decreased appetite that makes the elderly rarely eat and smaller portions also play a role in causing the elderly to be prone to vitamin D deficiency.
What are the consequences of vitamin D deficiency in the elderly?
The result of vitamin D deficiency in the elderly is bones that are easily brittle and fracture, aggravating osteoporosis, and a dramatic decline in cognitive function. In the elderly, cognitive decline can increase the risk of dementia and depression by many times compared to the elderly who are able to get their vitamin D intake properly.
Vitamin D deficiency also increases the risk of heart failure in the elderly, especially if they already have underlying heart disease.
How do you get enough?
Take time for the elderly to bask in the morning sun, for example by taking them for a walk around the house complex. Vitamin D intake can also be fulfilled with good sources of vitamin D such as egg yolks, salmon, liver, butter, milk, shrimp, and yogurt. You can also provide vitamin D supplements.
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C has a myriad of benefits for the body. Starting from increasing immunity, increasing stamina to prevent fatigue, preventing anemia, to playing a role in collagen formation to maintain healthy skin, bones, gums and eyes. In addition, adequate intake of vitamin C can also prevent the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) because this typical vitamin of citrus fruit can increase the body’s metabolic work to break down excess cholesterol.
Vitamin C is basically a vitamin that is easy to fulfill. But again, the elderly are susceptible to vitamin C deficiency because it is influenced by sedentary lifestyle factors as well as decreased meal time and portion settings.
What are the consequences of vitamin C deficiency in the elderly?
Lack of vitamin C can make older people bruise easily and make skin sores not heal after days. The result of vitamin C deficiency in the elderly also makes them prone to bleeding gums, mouth sores, nosebleeds, hair loss, and dry and rough skin that is sometimes reddish in color.
If allowed to continue, deficiency of vitamin C in the elderly can be fatal. Reporting from Healthline, a study reports that elderly people who are deficient in vitamin C have a greater risk of stroke than elderly people who have high levels of vitamin C in the body.
How do you get enough?
You can meet the needs of vitamin C for the elderly only by providing enough vegetables and fruits every day (at least 5 servings per day). Some of the food sources of vitamin C are oranges, kiwi, papaya, pineapple, strawberries, and broccoli. However, if you have problems meeting your vitamin C needs, you can provide a 500 mg vitamin C supplement.
3. Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 has a role that is no less important than other vitamins. This vitamin helps cell metabolism to run normally, especially gastrointestinal cells, red blood cells, bone marrow, and nerve tissue.
What are the consequences of vitamin B12 deficiency in the elderly?
Vitamin B12 works to regulate the growth and formation of red blood cells. Thus, the most common result of vitamin B12 deficiency is B12 deficiency anemia or folate deficiency anemia, characterized by 3L (Weak, tired, lethargic). A swollen and inflamed tongue can also be a symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency. Cracks in the corners of the mouth can also be a sign of a deficiency in this vitamin.
Lack of vitamin B12 can also cause the elderly to experience nervous system problems, such as a sensation of burning, tingling, and / or numbness in the legs, hands, or feet. walking and balance problems; paranoia; hallucinations; easy to get angry; to depression. In addition, vitamin B12 deficiency can cause senility in older people.
How do you get enough?
You can easily find vitamin B12 in animal food sources, such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs and milk. You can also consume processed products such as bread and vegetable milk. If the elderly have difficulty eating, you can meet their vitamin B12 needs with vitamin supplements.
Before using supplements to prevent the risks that may occur due to vitamin deficiency in the elderly, talk to the doctor who treats them first.
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