Why Should You Use Sunscreen Every Day?
Exposure to UV rays, aka sunlight, besides being able to burn skin, can also cause skin cancer. So, one effective way to prevent skin damage is to use sunscreen.
Actually, what is a sunscreen?
Sunscreens are skin care products in the form of lotions, spray, gel, foam, or stick which can be used to protect the skin from UV radiation, both UVA and UVB.
Although both UVA and UVB are bad for the skin, UVA rays can cause more damage because they can penetrate the deepest part of your skin. Just imagine, UVA radiation can penetrate clouds and glass, be it during the day, night, even when the weather is cloudy. UVA rays can accelerate skin aging and cause wrinkles and dark spots.
While UVB rays (Ultraviolet-Burning) is sunlight that has a wavelength smaller than UVA rays. UVB rays do not penetrate glass and clouds, but the radiation is much stronger than UVB. Brief exposure to UVB rays can cause skin burns ( sunburn).
If the skin is frequently exposed to both of these rays, your risk of developing skin cancer is even greater.
Types of sunscreen
Based on the ingredients used, sunscreens are categorized into two types, namely:
Sunscreen physical
Work waycreate a layer on the surface of the skin so that it can block UV rays from penetrating the inner skin layer. These sunscreens usually contain active ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
Sunscreen chemical
Works by making a layer on the surface of the skin to absorb UV radiation energy, so that it does not get absorbed or enter the inner skin layer. Sunscreen chemical contains several active ingredients such as cinnamates, octisalate, ovybenzone, dioxybenzone. This type of sunscreen is often referred to as a sunblock.
Most sunscreen formulations on the market are a combination of physical and chemical.
Different from sunscreen and sunblock
Sunblock, an inaccurate term because none of the ingredients in it can block UV rays. In fact, in America, the use of the word sunblock has actually been banned by FDA, an agency equivalent to the POM in Indonesia.
So, the term sunblock has been used again, because it is more appropriate to use the term sunscreen.
The importance of using sunscreen every day
The effects of exposure to UV rays can be felt in the short and long term.
Some of the short-term effects include:
- Sunburned (sunburn)
- Dark skin
- Dark skin
- Dull skin
While the long-term impacts include:
- Aging skin
- Wrinkle skin
- Loose / loose skin
- Brownish or black spots appear
- In fact, the risk of skin cancer
If you don’t want to experience the various impacts above, then don’t forget to use sunscreen every day, especially when you’re on the move outside. Not only adults, babies should also apply sunscreen every time they are going out of the house. However, sunscreen use is recommended for babies over 6 months of age.
Remember, UVA rays haunt you every day, even if the weather is cloudy. So, don’t be lazy to use sunscreen every time you do outdoor activities.
Don’t forget, use sunscreen every 2 hours
You are certainly familiar with the recommendation to use sunscreen every 2 hours. However, why, yes, it has to be every 2 hours?
In fact, although sunscreens are effective at blocking sunlight from penetrating the skin, their protective power will diminish over time from the time they are used. Whether it’s due to sweat, friction with the skin, facial expressions, or so on.
So, if you want to get maximum protection, sunscreen needs to be repeated every 2 hours. Especially if you do daily outdoor activities that allow direct sun exposure.
You should also use sunscreen if you are in a room that is still exposed to sunlight, for example, there are windows and doors that allow sunlight to enter or if there is a glass ceiling. As mentioned above, UVA rays can penetrate glass, you know!
Guide to using sunscreen
In order for the sunscreen product you use to work optimally, here are some guidelines for using sunscreen that you need to pay close attention to.
- Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
- The choice of sunscreen depends on each individual’s skin condition. If you feel that your skin is sensitive, then you can use this type of sunscreen physical.
- Sunscreen is applied to all areas that are not covered by clothes. Starting from the face, neck, arms and legs.
- The Association of Indonesian Dermatology and Venereology Specialists (PERDOSKI) recommends using a sunscreen of about 1 teaspoon on the face, neck and head area. Likewise for the hand area.
- Meanwhile, for the front chest area and back and back, from the thighs to the feet, each requires about 2 teaspoons of sunscreen.
- Sunscreen is the last step of skincare. If you do make up, use sunscreen before applying make-up.
In essence, always pay attention to any areas of the body that are open (not covered with clothes) and without protection, so that’s where the sunscreen should be applied.
Keep using sunscreen even though your skin is already damaged
If there are already bad effects from sun exposure, sunscreen is still needed to prevent further or widespread damage. In order to repair the damage that has occurred, special handling will be needed which will be adjusted to the conditions of each damage.
You can first consult with the nearest Dermatologist and Venereology Specialist in order to get the best treatment according to your condition.
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