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Online Doctor Consultation Is It Enough?

Is it Enough to Consult and Check with the Doctor Online?

The development of increasingly sophisticated technology now makes it easier for us to consult doctors regularly on line. Whether it’s a disease diagnosis consultation, daily health checks, to treatment recommendations, all can be done via your cellphone screen. But on the other hand, there is something more steady when the consultation is done face-to-face. So, which one is better between practicing doctor consultation on line or face to face?

Doctor consultation on line is a new breakthrough

One platform on line which provides doctor consultation services was founded in 1998, pioneered by a non-commercial health service from Sweden.

They provide free consultations for free on line, regarding certain complaints or diseases experienced by patients. Seeing this innovation in the medical world, makes researchers interested in knowing whether this method can help answer the needs of patients.

A study published in Journal of Medical Internet Researchsaid, this online platform provides convenience for those who want to ask questions about their health. This presence also answers a need that may not be obtained at a regular doctor’s consultation.

For example, patients can freely ask personal questions about their illness. Apart from that, patients who come to the doctor online are usually looking for second opinion of his health condition.

Researchers also found that patients felt that they received information clearly, because of the doctor’s written explanation through this platform. They admit that the information they receive is often unclear when they consult a doctor directly (face to face).

Also mentioned in the article from PrescriberSeveral online medical service companies have also suggested that technology can offer solutions without having to feel pressured by seeing a doctor in person.

The closeness of access to health information and direct consultation can still be felt today. In fact, doctor consultation apps are evolving all the time. Each company offers dynamic services, such as 24/7 doctor consultation.

Face to face with the doctor is also important

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Technology now provides a compact facility that becomes a medium between a person and a doctor to meet online. Even patients don’t have to bother making schedules or waiting for the doctor to consult. However, it is possible that not everyone feels comfortable with the presence of an online-based medical consultation platform.

Again launching the Prescriber page, some doctors in the UK admit they do not agree with the existence of an online doctor medium. Helen Salisbury, a general practitioner from Oxford in England, spoke up about this.

According to Salisbury, it is dangerous when a patient provides his medical record and symptom details in a questionnaire so that the online application can recommend certain medications to him. The reason is, not necessarily all patients are suitable for the drugs recommended by the doctor.

“Can you prescribe antibiotics without examining the patient? I am also worried that when some drugs are offered even in themark up and there are no ongoing checks, “said Salisbury.

He added, questionnaires and processes carried out by online doctor services need to be strictly controlled for quality. Salisbury doubts whether this health practice can be practiced safely.

Meanwhile, Mike Kirby, Letchworth GP andProfessor of general practice at the University of Hertfordshire, always reminds patients to consult face-to-face, so that they understand the doctor’s examination process.

Discussing the matter of online doctors, Kirby said that there were no medical records for each patient. It is possible that not all patients are able to remember their allergies through a questionnaire approach.

One of the advantages of face-to-face treatment in the UK, when a patient switches doctors, the National Health Service or NHS (the UK’s national health service) has a patient’s medical record and medication record. So that doctors can also find out the history of these patients.

In addition, Kirby also thinks that consultation carried out over the telephone can pose risks. Because the online doctor does not hold the patient’s medical record.

So, is it enough to consult via an online doctor?

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Now you have an idea of ​​what can and cannot be obtained from a doctor’s consultation on line above.

Everyone has the right to consult a doctor using a platform based on line regarding his health condition. Many people want to ask about symptoms or just a doctor’s advice about the disease or complaint they are experiencing.

Of course, you can still consult a doctor by way on line. There must be useful information that complements the curiosity of every patient when he is discussing with the doctor. However, you should be able to sort out the information and consult your general practitioner face to face.

However, it is the general practitioner and you who know the entire history of medical records and medications. It’s good, in more severe medical cases, drug recommendations can be done directly by a general practitioner or specialist.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.