Maintain Hand Hygiene to Prevent Coronavirus Transmission
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Novel coronavirus which spreads in China and dozens of other countries can be transmitted through close contact with infected people and contact with contaminated goods. This is why everyone is advised to maintain hand hygiene in order to prevent it novel coronavirus spread even wider.
Keeping your hands clean isn’t just about washing your hands with water. You also need to understand how to wash your hands properly and apply extra protection for optimal results. Here’s the full review.
The importance of hand hygiene to prevent coronavirus
Coronavirus is a group of viruses that attack the respiratory tract. This virus actually doesn’t last long in the air or on the surface of objects, but a lack of awareness to keep hands clean can support its spread.
Novel coronavirus which currently plague comes from the same virus group. You can also catch the virus coded 2021-nCoV if you touch your eyes, nose or mouth without washing your hands that have been contaminated.
Therefore, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and several other health agencies around the world emphasize the importance of washing hands. This is the easiest way to keep your hands clean and prevent it novel coronavirus spread.
Here are the steps for washing hands properly:
- Wet hands with clean running water, then pour enough soap.
- Rub your palms together.
- Use your right hand to rub the back of your hand and fingers of your left hand forward. Repeat with the other hand.
- Insert the fingers of your right hand between the fingers of your left hand, then rub them together.
- Bring your fingers together, then form a hook-like shape. Bring your hands together and rub your fingers.
- Grasp your left thumb with your right hand, then rotate it a few times. Repeat with the other hand.
- Rub the palm of the left hand with the fingertips of the right hand. Repeat with the other hand.
- Rinse hands until the soap is gone. Pat dry with a tissue and throw it away immediately.
If there is no water, you can use hand sanitizercontains a minimum of 60% alcohol. Hand sanitizer can keep hands clean and reduce the number of germs, but this may not be effective enough to prevent transmission coronavirus.
Need extra protection to prevent coronavirus?

Washing hands is actually a powerful way to prevent transmission novel coronavirus. However, you may need extra protection if you live in an area that is prone to infection or if you have to come into contact with patients.
Provide disposable masks and gloves. Use it when you travel to public places and use public transportation. Make sure you wear gloves when touching doorknobs, table surfaces, and other items that people frequently touch.
When in a situation where you need to remove your gloves, do not touch your eyes or face. Before putting gloves back on, wash your hands with soap and make sure they are completely dry. Avoid wearing damp gloves.
Not only your hands, the cleanliness of the gloves you use is also important to prevent transmission novel coronavirus. Once back home, take off your gloves and collect them in a closed bag. Dispose of gloves in a safe place.
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