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Is Making Cloth Masks to Prevent Coronavirus, Is It Effective?

Can Homemade Cloth Masks Slow The Spread Of The Coronavirus?

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Recently, CDC issued a statement that it was best to use a mask, whether it be a cloth mask or a surgical mask, when traveling outside the home. This appeal was issued considering that the number of cases infected with COVID-19 was increasing and the number of victims who had died also soared. Therefore, many people end up making their own cloth masks to prevent transmission of the coronavirus.

The question is, what kind of cloth mask can prevent the transmission of diseases that attack the respiratory system?

Making cloth masks can prevent coronavirus, as long as …

face mask

The effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on some people do have quite a serious impact. Good for the elderly to adults with certain chronic diseases.

What’s more, there is news circulating that droplet or droplets from a person with COVID-19 can stay in the air. This ultimately made everyone even more alert.

Not a few of the coronavirus positive patients do not show any symptoms. However, the virus in his body can still infect other people.

Initially, the CDC recommended that masks should only be targeted at sick people and health care workers caring for positive patients. However, the symptoms of COVID-19 are increasingly diverse and similar to other diseases, leading experts to think that it is time to wear a mask when going out.

The next challenge arises, namely the number of requests for masks makes it quite rare. In fact, not a few people take advantage of this situation to stock up on the masks they buy and sell them at exorbitant prices.

Therefore, people have no other choice, namely to make their own cloth masks to prevent transmission of the coronavirus. However, many of you may be wondering how to make a mask that can reduce the risk of transmission.

In fact, you can produce cloth masks made from household items or other common materials. According to dr. Benjamin LaBrot, professor of medical education at the University of Southern California told Healthline, there are several things that need to be considered when making masks.

He explained that a thick pillowcase or two layers of flannel can filter air particles by up to 60 percent. You can test the fabric that will be made into the mask by light, to see how well it filters.

Try to hold onto the fabric while exposing it to the light. If you can see light through the fabric, it is likely that the material is not very good at filtering air particles. Here you can see, the thicker and denser the fabric, the better the filtering quality.

Other fabrics to make masks prevent coronavirus

Not only flannel or cotton, there are fabrics that can be an option in making masks to prevent coronavirus.

For example, a HEPA filter can be used as a filter used to slow down the spread of viruses. In addition, Quilt material which has a large number of threads can also filter small particles by up to 80 percent.

However, using a cloth mask that is thicker and denser will certainly cause problems, especially when used for a long time.

First, you may have difficulty breathing. Then, use an air filter on a mask that is made from fiberglass or fiberglass is not always safe to use for breathing.

Therefore, when you want to make cloth masks to prevent transmission of coronavirus, always pay attention to the materials used.

How do cloth masks protect against coronavirus?

According to American Lung Association, one in four people infected with COVID-19 may show mild to no symptoms. Using a cloth mask when near other people actually helps filter out particles that can be released when coughing and sneezing.

This can happen accidentally, including when talking. Making and using cloth masks can slow the spread of the coronavirus. Especially when you don’t know that your body is infected.

Therefore, this type of cloth mask is not intended to protect the wearer, but to prevent unwanted transmission.

type of mask

Can cloth masks be washed and reused?

Making a cloth mask to prevent coronavirus is not a waste. Unlike surgical masks, which can only be used once, cloth masks are washable and reusable.

Every time you go outside, this mask should be washed regularly depending on the frequency of use. You can even use a washing machine to clean this mask.

That way, you can help slow the spread of the coronavirus through homemade cloth masks.

Making and using cloth masks to prevent coronavirus is indeed a pretty good alternative option. However, don’t forget to make efforts to prevent other COVID-19, such as not having to leave the house if you don’t have to, wash your hands and keep a distance of 2-3 meters from other people.

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