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How to Wear the Right Mask So You Don't Inhale Air Pollution

Inhaling air pollution can cause a wide variety of health problems. Wearing a nose mask can be a pretty powerful way to protect yourself. Nasal masks can also prevent the transmission of germs that cause disease, especially in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, many people still make the mistake of wearing this mask. So, how do you wear the right mask?

Who should wear a mask?

new normal preparation

Everyone who is at high risk of being exposed to street dust when doing outdoor activities is strongly advised to wear a nose mask, including when driving on public transportation.

This is not only important for maintaining personal hygiene, but also preventing transmission of diseases that can occur through the air.

In addition, nose masks must also be worn by:

  • People who are sick with respiratory infections (flu, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, COVID-19, and others)
  • People caring for patients with respiratory infections
  • People who visit the clinic or hospital, including the doctors and nurses who work there
  • Workers handling food

This mask can prevent you from spreading saliva or mucus that may contain germs. Face masks can also protect you from splashing other people’s body fluids when coughing and sneezing.

How to choose the appropriate type of mask

Currently, there are various types of masks on the market that you can choose from. Before knowing how to wear a mask, you also have to understand how to choose a mask that is suitable and correct.

Basically, each type of mask has the same function and purpose, which is to protect you from dust and prevent disease transmission.

However, different types of masks may offer different levels of protection and comfort.

Cloth mask

This mask is made of tightly sewn fabric, but you can still breathe easy.

When choosing a cloth mask, make sure you point the mask at the light. If light manages to penetrate through the cloth, it means that the mask is less safe.

Cloth masks are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. For extra protection, you can try the method of wearing a cloth mask and a disposable mask at the same time.

Disposable masks (medical masks)

This mask is very easy to find anywhere. Usually, disposable medical masks have a wire in the nose to reduce the risk of leakage when wearing a mask.

When choosing a disposable mask, avoid wearing a mask that is too loose. You also shouldn’t wear this mask if it is wet or dirty.

How to wear the correct nose mask?

Even though it looks easy, how to wear a nose and mouth mask should not be arbitrary.

The wrong way to wear it can increase the risk of possible problems, such as leakage or entry of bacteria through the side of the mask.

The following is a guide on how to use a nose mask, aka the correct surgical mask:

  1. Make sure that the mask is the right size for your face, not too big or too small.
  2. Always wash your hands with soap or use a hand sanitizer, before touching the mask and putting it on.
  3. Look for the outside of the mask. If your mask has two different colors (generally green and white), the outer side of the mask will be green. So, it is the white side that sticks directly to your skin while the green layer is facing out.
  4. Determine the top side of the mask, usually marked by the presence of a nose wire line.
  5. For masks with straps: place the nose wire over the nose with your fingers, then tie the two sides of the rope at the top of the head toward the crown. After the mask hangs, pull the mask down so that it can cover your mouth to your chin. Tie the bottom strap at the nape or back of your neck.
  6. For the rubber mask: You only need to attach the rubber strap behind the ear.
  7. After the mask is securely attached to your face, pinch the wire to follow the curve of your nose so that the mask is more tightly closed.
  8. Extend the folds of the mask down to cover all the parts that need to be closed, namely the nose, mouth, and chin.
  9. After the mask is attached properly, avoid touching the mask, especially before washing your hands.

The mask that has been used can only be used once. Some sources even state that this mask is only effective for 3-4 hours of use or a maximum of 1 day.

The correct way to remove the mask after wearing it all day

As with using a mask, before removing your mask, you should wash your hands first.

After wearing the mask, follow the correct methods below to remove it:

  1. When removing the mask, avoid touching the front of the mask because that part is filled with germs that stick from the outside. Only touch the strap or rubber hook.
  2. To remove the rubber mask, hold the two pieces of rubber attached to the ear, remove it from the ear and throw it in the trash.
  3. To remove the strap mask, first open the lower strap, then remove the upper strap.

Discard the mask that is dirty or wet

If you are wearing a disposable mask and it looks dirty or wet, throw it in the trash without touching the front of the mask.

After removing the mask and throwing it in the trash, wash your hands or put them on immediately hand sanitizer.

According to the NHS website, there is no definite time how long you can wear a disposable medical mask.

The most important thing is, immediately replace the mask if it is dirty, wet, damaged, or you touch the inside.

How to keep a clean mask

If the mask still looks clean and you are going to use it again, for example after eating or drinking, you can store the mask in a non-airtight bag, such as a paper bag or cloth.

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