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How to Brush Your Teeth Properly You Need to Know

You may have often heard the advice on the importance of brushing your teeth every day. Apart from preventing various oral and dental problems, this habit is also good for the overall health of the body. However, don’t just brush your teeth diligently. Also make sure that you brush your teeth the right way. The wrong technique of brushing your teeth can actually trigger various oral and dental problems, you know! So, how do you brush your teeth properly?

Use the right brush and toothpaste

Before brushing your teeth, of course, you need to prepare a toothbrush and toothpaste. Well, like what right?

First, choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride is a mineral that protects and strengthens tooth enamel. Meanwhile, for the brush, adjust it the head of the toothbrush to the width of your mouth.

The brush head with the small tip makes it easier for you to reach the deepest parts of the teeth. Also make sure the toothbrush you choose has a comfortable grip when you hold it. That way you can brush your teeth properly.

How to brush your teeth the right way

Are all the tools available? Well, this means you are ready to brush your teeth. Here’s a guide on how to brush your teeth properly that you need to pay close attention to.

The first step

Grip your toothbrush with the corner of the brush head at a slight angle with a position forming an angle of 45 degrees. So, you don’t stick the entire surface of the bristles on your teeth, huh.

Second step

You can start brushing from the front teeth or molars on one side of the mouth. Stie your teeth in a circular motion from top to bottom for 20 seconds for each section.

This technique works so that the bristles can remove the plaque that has slipped in the gum line. While brushing your teeth, make sure you keep the bristles at a slight angle at a 45 degree angle.

Third step

Brush the teeth commonly used for chewing, which is the part of the teeth that is close to the cheeks and tongue, in a slow, back and forth motion.

After the upper part is brushed, then brush the bottom. Make sure all the surfaces of your teeth have been brushed, so that plaque or food debris that sticks to your teeth can be removed.

Fourth step

To clean the surface in the front row of teeth, you must hold the toothbrush vertically. Use the tip of the toothbrush head and brush in an up and down motion, from the edge of the gum to the top of the tooth.

Fifth step

Same as the fourth step, aStraighten the toothbrush slightly upright to clean the lower front teeth. Move the brush up and down slowly.

Repeat this movement 2-3 times.

Sixth step

Sometimes, brushing your teeth in the same way makes other parts that are not used to be overlooked. That’s why, if needed, you can change your usual brushing pattern. The key is one, make sure you brush your teeth in the right way and movement.

You will spend about 2-3 minutes brushing all parts of your teeth. After all my teeth are brushed, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth thoroughly with water.

To make it clearer, you can also learn how to brush your teeth properly and correctly by watching the following video.

Don’t brush your teeth too hard

Some people may find brushing harder and longer makes the results cleaner. Are you one of them?

In fact, how to brush your teeth like this is not right and effective. Brushing teeth with very tight brushing and for a long time can actually damage the teeth permanently.

The inside of your mouth is covered with soft tissue. Now, brushing your teeth too hard can make gum tissue stress and injured. As a result, your gums can bleed and become inflamed.

In addition, too much friction can also erode tooth enamel. The depletion of tooth enamel is a the origin of sensitive teeth.

You are advised to be diligent in brushing your teeth every day. However, it is not recommended that you brush your teeth more than three times a day. Experts agree that brushing your teeth twice a day in the morning and at night is sufficient.

How do you know if your teeth are clean after brushing?

The easiest way to tell if your teeth are clean or not is to feel them with your tongue.

When touched by the tongue surface teeth feel smooth, meaning your teeth are clean. However, if the surface still feels rough, it means that there is still plaque remaining on your teeth.

Therefore, make sure you brush your teeth the right way. Apart from that, make sure that too You have brushed all the surfaces of your teeth, yes!

Clean your tongue after brushing your teeth

After brushing your teeth in the right way, don’t forget to clean your tongue. Cleaning the tongue is important to remove bad breath-causing bacteria.

You can brush your tongue with an ordinary toothbrush or use a special tongue cleaner tool that is already sold in the market. However, when using a toothbrush, make sure the back of the brush has a rubbery side with a wavy texture. The back of this toothbrush is deliberately designed to clean the tongue.

Brush the tongue from the innermost base of the tongue and slowly pull it forward in one motion. Repeat this method 2-3 times or until you feel the tongue is completely clean. Clean the side of the tongue in the same way. Finally, rinse with clean water.

Ideally, clean your tongue every time you brush your teeth in the morning and at night. If you don’t have enough time to do it, you can just clean your tongue once a day in the morning.

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