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7 Factors for Asthma Causes That Need to Know

It is not enough just to know the cause of asthma, but to be surer whether you have asthma or not, there is no harm in discussing with your doctor so that it can be detected. In general, the doctor will ask about the symptoms that are felt, such as whether you often experience shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, difficulty speaking, and lips or nails turn bluish.

If you feel these symptoms, then the doctor will ask about the time of the appearance of the symptoms above. The doctor will also ask again, whether you have a family history of asthma or allergies. If based on the information given you indicate the presence of asthma, the next step is a physical examination and laboratory tests.

For laboratory tests that can be done is spirometry. This test will ask you to breathe deeply and exhale quickly into a device called a spirometer. This test can measure lung performance by referring to the volume of air and the total air you remove. Another test for detecting the presence of asthma is by testing peak levels of expiratory flow. This test uses a tool that is Peak Flow Meter (PFM) to measure the speed of air from your lungs in one breath that can be exhaled.

Discuss Asthma and Other Diseases to Doctor Halodoc

Sometimes work is very time consuming, so you don't have much time to discuss your health. But don't worry, because you can use the Halodoc doctor application from your smartphone. Halodoc is a health application that provides convenience to discuss all health problems including asthma.

The services provided by Halodoc are discussions about health with expert doctors from various specialties throughout Indonesia through the Contact Doctor health service feature with chat and video/voice call options so you can talk to your doctor directly. There are also practical services for purchasing health needs to more than 1,000 pharmacies quickly, safely and comfortably.

Until now it is not known what is the cause of asthma. But it is estimated there are some things that trigger the emergence of symptoms of this disease:

1. Environment

The surrounding environment can be one of the factors that cause asthma. Because in the environment there are pollutants that can cause your respiratory tract to be disturbed due to constriction and shortness of breath. Some things from the environment that can cause asthma are allergies to dust, pollen, mites, animal hair, air pollution, conditions in a humid and moldy space, chemical fumes, and cigarette smoke.

2. Excessive Physical Activity

Physical activity, such as excessive exercise can also be a cause of asthma. Although exercise is recommended to be done, and good for health, but if you do it excessively it will certainly have a negative impact on health, which triggers the recurrence of asthma.

3. Stress

Stress not only affects the psychic, but also affects your health, one of which can be a cause of asthma.

4. Effect of drugs

Other causes of asthma are the influence of certain drugs that can cause asthma such as beta blocking drugs usually given to people with hypertension or heart problems, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers, such as aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen.

5. Food or drinks containing sulfite

Foods or drinks containing sulfite or preservatives such as jams, processed foods, ready-to-eat foods, processed foods, shrimp, fruit juice packaging, wine, and alcoholic beverages.

6. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

GERD or diseases caused by stomach acid return to the esophagus so that it can cause upper gastrointestinal irritation.

7. Excessive emotions

Other factors that can cause asthma, namely excessive emotions such as excessive anger, laughing out loud, protracted sadness. Not only affects a person's psychic, but can also be a cause of asthma.