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Various Complications That May Occur Because Of Asthma

You can suffer from a variety of health complications if your asthma symptoms are not treated properly. This can cause disruption to your lifestyle to have to stay in hospital or even death.

Lifestyle disorders


Some asthma patients experience symptoms of their illness at night. If this continues it will lead to serious sleep disorders. Chronic sleep disturbances can interfere with your ability to perform properly at work or school. This disorder can be very dangerous when driving or working with a machine.

Physical activity

Asthma can block some people from cardiovascular exercise or exercise. Lack of exercise can result in the appearance of other health risks and weight gain. Lack of physical activity can also lead to depression and other psychological stress.


Symptoms of severe and persistent asthma can result in absenteeism in the office or school. According to Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), asthma is the main reason children for permission not to go to school.

Remodeling of the respiratory tract

For some people, asthma can cause chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract. This may cause permanent changes to the respiratory tract structure if not addressed properly. This is commonly called respiratory tract remodeling. This change will occur in all cell and tissue structures in the asthma channel. This change can result in loss of lung function and chronic cough. Possible permanent changes are:

  • Thickening of the walls of the respiratory tract
  • Multiply the mucous glands and mucus production
  • Increases blood supply in the respiratory tract


According to AAFA, asthma contributes about a quarter of the total number of patients who meet hospital emergency rooms at U.S. Fortunately, almost anyone can survive even from an acute asthma attack with emergency care.

Symptoms that indicate that you should seek emergency help immediately are:

  • Extreme difficulty breathing
  • Pain in the chest
  • Difficulty walking or talking
  • Bluish patch on the skin

At the hospital, you will be given oxygen through a mask or hose. You definitely need a fast response or steroid dose. You will be monitored for a few hours until it is stable. In some cases, the respiratory tube may be inserted into your respiratory tract to regulate airflow into the lungs until your asthma symptoms can be controlled.


Some asthma attacks can clog airflow. This can lead to respiratory system failure even death if not treated promptly. However, AAFA also indicates that many of these deaths can be prevented with the correct emergency handling according to their symptoms.