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Which one are you?

The incidence of obesity is increasing day by day due to unhealthy lifestyles and eating patterns. Obesity is defined as the accumulation of excess body fat which then causes body weight and causes various risks of degenerative diseases, such as stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, and cancer. People who are obese have a body mass index of more than 27 kg / m2.

According to WHO, at least in 2014 there were 600 million people who were obese. This condition is not only dangerous because it increases the risk of developing various diseases, but obesity can also cause death. Data from the Global Health Observatory shows that approximately 2.8 million people die each year due to obesity.

The treatment of obesity cannot be equated

Research conducted by researchers from the University of Sheffield, England, and the Harvard School of Public Health, United States, has found 6 types of obesity that may occur in men and women.

This study was reported in the Journal of Public Health involving as many as 4,144 people who are known to have a body mass index of more than 30 kg / m2 and they had an average age of 56 years. On average, the respondents of this study were women with a body mass index of about 34 kg / m2. Then for 2 years, from 2010 to 2012, researchers looked at and paid attention to the lifestyle of the respondents, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, and even their efforts to lose weight, whether it was taking drugs or following a diet.

Then at the end of the study, researchers found 6 obesity groups based on the habits and lifestyle of each respondent. These findings are thought to help people who are obese to get medication and treatment according to their respective conditions, so that the process of losing weight is faster and easier to carry out.

What are the 6 types of obesity that are there?

Obesity is not only a person who looks fat or has a distended belly. Accumulation of fat can occur in various parts of the body, depending on the lifestyle and characteristics of each person. Here are the types of obesity when viewed from the place where fat accumulates.

1. Obesity due to inactivity

If you have fat folds from the chest to the lower abdomen or on the back of the body, then it can be said that you are not doing healthy physical activity, such as sports. Physical activity, such as sports, is a preventive activity to prevent the accumulation of fat in the body. The Indonesian Ministry of Health recommends at least 30 minutes of physical activity or exercise a day. You can do a variety of simple things, such as increasing the amount of walking or cycling. If you are one of those people who are lazy to exercise, you can be interpreted as a person who is obese because they tend to have excess fat deposits.

2. Obesity due to food

Food and drink is the main cause of obesity. The habit of eating too much makes body weight and body fat levels increase. Eating foods that are high in calories and low in nutrients cause obesity to occur, such as sugar, other snack foods. This type of obesity is characterized by the accumulation of fat seen on the neck, chin and chest.

3. Venous obesity

Obesity is caused by clogged blood vessels, especially veins for various reasons. Moreover, if someone in your family also experiences blockage of blood vessels. If yes, be careful because you are at risk for obesity is higher than people who do not have a family history. Narrowing can also result from eating too much fatty food. So, the recommendation to prevent and even overcome it is to do regular exercise. Fat accumulation that occurs in venous obesity can be seen in the legs and buttocks.

4. Obesity due to anxiety

Do you often have feelings of excessive anxiety or stress for various reasons? Anxiety or high pressure can affect the hormones in the body. When you experience various kinds of bad feelings, you tend to have a high appetite and make food a place for your feelings to escape. Hence, obesity caused due to a bad feeling can be seen in the middle belly fat folds.

5. Atherogenic obesity

A distended stomach is one sign of obesity or overweight. A distended stomach is caused by the accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal area. This can have a negative impact on health, such as making it difficult to breathe. Even obesity due to a distended stomach is more dangerous than obesity as a whole.

6. Gluten obesity

This type of obesity is mostly experienced by women who have entered menopause and their body balance decreases. Obesity of this type is characterized by excess fat in the pelvis.


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