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What Are the Normal Blood Sugar Levels in the Body?

Limitations of Normal Blood Sugar Levels in the Body

Maintaining blood sugar levels to stay within normal limits is important. Especially for those of you who want to avoid diabetes or diabetes mellitus. For those of you who have diabetes, understanding information about normal blood sugar is equally important. The reason is, maintaining normal blood sugar levels is the key to diabetes treatment.

The following is information about blood sugar starting from normal values ​​or limits, tests, and how to keep blood sugar levels normal.

Blood sugar and its functions in the body

Blood sugar is a simple sugar molecule aka glucose which is the main source of energy for every cell and tissue of the body.

Glucose is produced from the digestion process of foods containing carbohydrates, such as rice, bread, potatoes, fruits, and snacks that contain sugar.

After carbohydrates are broken down in digestion, glucose will be circulated in the blood and then processed into energy by the body’s cells. However, the body’s cells cannot directly convert glucose into energy. In this process, you need the role of insulin.

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to aid in the absorption of glucose by the cells and tissues of the body. This hormone is released when the amount of glucose in the blood increases.

The function of insulin is very important to ensure blood glucose levels remain within a normal range; not too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia).

Insulin disruption can make it difficult for the body to maintain normal blood sugar levels. If left untreated, this can lead to diabetes.

Limitation of normal blood sugar levels

Normal blood sugar limit

The following is a range of normal blood sugar levels at all times:

  • After not eating for 8 hours (fasting blood sugar): less than 100 mg / dL
  • Before meals: 70-130 mg / dL
  • After meals (1-2 hours after meals): less than 180 mg / dL
  • Before bedtime: 100-140 mg / dL

A person can be said to have high blood sugar if the blood sugar time is more than 200 mg / dL, or 11 millimoles per liter (mmol / L).

Meanwhile, a person is said to have low blood sugar if the level drops below 70mg / dL. Experiencing one of these conditions means that your blood glucose levels are no longer normal.

Blood sugar levels may rise and fall depending on daily physical activity, the type of food consumed, side effects of drugs, stress, and others.

In general, changes in blood sugar levels from time to time are still considered reasonable if the numbers do not change very drastically and in a fast time.

Normal blood sugar levels based on age

Normal blood sugar levels in children may be different from normal blood glucose levels in adults.

In children, blood glucose levels tend to be higher and change easily. This is related to the stability of certain hormones so that blood sugar levels can be more varied.

Blood sugar levels for children less than 6 years of age:

  • Normal blood sugar: around 100-200 mg / dL
  • Fasting blood sugar: around 100 mg / dl
  • Blood sugar after meals and before bedtime is around 200 mg / dL

Blood sugar levels for children 6-12 years of age:

  • Normal blood sugar when: 70-150 mg / dL
  • Fasting blood sugar: about 70 mg / dL
  • Blood sugar after meals and before bed: can be closer to 150 mg / d;

The limit of normal blood sugar levels for the elderly is the same as blood sugar levels in general, which is less than 100 mg / dl with the lowest levels being 60-70 mg / dl. Elderly who have diabetes but their blood glucose is well controlled can refer to the reference numbers mentioned above (normal adults) to assess whether their blood glucose levels are within normal limits.

Test options to check blood sugar

Check glucose

You can find out what the normal range of blood sugar levels is in different situations by doing a medical or independent examination.

Some of the blood sugar tests that are done include:

1. Fasting blood sugar (GDP)

Fasting blood sugar is the range that limits normal blood sugar levels before meals. Before doing this blood sugar test, you are required to fast for 8 hours. Fasting blood sugar check is one of the tests used for check if you are at risk for prediabetes or diabetes.

The following are the criteria for normal blood sugar levels from the fasting blood sugar test:

  • Normal (not suffering from diabetes): below 108 mg / dl
  • Prediabetes: 108-125 mg / dl
  • Diabetes: above 125 mg / dl

2.Blood sugar 2 hours postprandial (GD2PP)

This test is done 2 hours after your last meal to check changes in blood sugar levels from before eating.

The following are the threshold criteria for normal blood sugar levels from the GD2PP test results:

  • Normal (not suffering from diabetes): below 140 mg / dl
  • Prediabetes: 140-199 mg / dl
  • Diabetes: 200 mg / dl or more

3.Blood sugar (GDS)

Anytime blood sugar test, also known as GDS, can be done at any time of the day. The GDS test is useful for knowing what is the normal range of blood sugar numbers for a person in one day in different situations.

The following are the criteria for normal sugar levels from the results shown by the GDS test:

  • Normal (not suffering from diabetes): below 200 mg / dl
  • Diabetes: above 200 mg / L

4. HbA1c

The HbA1c test is done to diagnose diabetes in a way measure average blood sugar level in the last 2-3 months.

The criteria for the HbA1c test results will be shown as follows:

  • Normal (not having diabetes): below 42 mmol / mol (6%)
  • Prediabetes: 42-47 mmol / mol (6-6.4%)
  • Diabetes: 48 mmol / mol (6.5%) or more

When is it necessary to check blood sugar?

For how muchfrequently check blood sugar, each person will vary depending on the needs and what treatment is being undertaken. If you do not have blood sugar problems or diseases that affect it, you can do a blood sugar test at any time

For people with diabetes, your doctor may recommend an average sugar test 2-6 times a day. If you are on insulin therapy, you will need to get tested more often.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes the recommended time to check blood sugar is in the morning, before eating, 2 hours after eating, and before bed.

Causes of changes in blood sugar levels

Normal blood glucose levels can change over time, can go up or down from normal limits. Various things can trigger changes in glucose levels.

The most common causes of rising blood sugar include:

  • Dehydration
  • Hormone
  • Stress
  • Certain diseases
  • Extreme temperatures

The most common causes of blood sugar drop include:

How to keep blood sugar levels normal

Maintaining normal blood sugar levels is the key to healthy living for everyone. There are several things you can do to control blood sugar levels, namely:

1. Exercise and be active

Exercise can make the body more sensitive to insulin, making it easier for the body’s cells to absorb glucose.

When you exercise, your total cholesterol and triglyceride levels will decrease. In addition, exercise can also increase HDL cholesterol or good cholesterol in the body. Both of these benefits can prevent the problem of being overweight which is one of the main causes of diabetes.

To keep the body active, you can also increase your physical activity, such as cleaning the house, gardening, or choosing to walk while traveling if it is affordable enough.

2. Maintain a healthy diet

Food is closely related to blood sugar levels. A healthy and regular diet will help maintain normal blood sugar.

Choose a food menu with complete and balanced nutrition, which includes a source of protein, fiber, calories, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates.

3. Manage stress well

Doctors and health professionals recommend that anyone who wants to keep his blood sugar levels normal to manage stress. POriginally, the stress hormones, namely adrenaline and cortisol, can increase normal blood sugar.

Without you knowing it, the stress you experience can drain the energy and energy in the body that should be used for activities. Therefore, it is not uncommon for people who experience stress also often feel tired quickly.

4. Routinely check blood sugar

Checking blood sugar is important to determine the health condition of your body. It is also a good idea to record your blood sugar levels from time to time. That way, you can monitor changes in blood sugar levels that are too high or too low.

Beware if there is a change in blood sugar levels that is too drastic. Immediately consult a doctor to ensure your health condition.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.