Tinea Cruris: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

What is tinea cruris?
Tinea cruris (groin ringworm) is a fungal infection of the skin in the groin, genital area, upper inner thigh or buttocks and causes a ring-shaped rash on the infected area. Tinea cruris is also often known as jock itch.
This condition can occur when you wear tight clothing that causes moisture and heat around the thighs. This creates an environment where it is easier for the fungus to thrive.
Tinea cruris can cause a rash on the upper and inner thighs, armpits, and the area under the breasts. Many people experience this condition at once tinea pedis (water fleas) or athlete’s foot.
How common is this condition?
No matter your gender or nationality, you can get this infection under certain conditions. However, it is more common in men than women. This is because men have more skin folds in the groin.
In addition, tinea cruris is also prone to be experienced by athletes, considering that the activities carried out daily make the body sweat a lot.
Signs & symptoms
What are the symptoms of tinea cruris?
The symptoms caused in this condition are similar to those of body ringworm. The skin rash on tinea cruris has a red scaly rim that spreads from the groin or scrotum to the inner thigh.
Sometimes the condition is also characterized by a ring-shaped rash that appears on the buttocks. This symptom is rarely seen on the penis, vulva, or around the anus.
Other distinctive features include:
- itching and pain in the infected area,
- the edges of the rash have bumps that look like blisters, and
- the center of the rash has a red-brown color.
When to see a doctor
You should immediately get checked out if you have the signs above. There may be a number of other symptoms that were not mentioned. If you have concerns about a particular symptom, consult your doctor.
What causes tinea cruris?
This skin disease is often caused by fungal organisms that usually grow in warm, humid areas. This fungus lives naturally on your skin and usually causes no problems.
The fungi that cause this condition are included in the dermatophyte group of fungi that feed on the keratin layer on the skin to survive.
The types of fungi that most often cause disease are Tricophyton and Epidermophyton. This fungus can also cause water flea disease.
However, when you wear clothes that are soaked in sweat for a long time, the fungus can multiply quickly. This uncontrolled fungal growth can later cause signs of infection.
The fungus that causes tinea cruris is highly contagious. You can become infected with yeast through personal contact with a person who has this disease. You can also get it from using the same objects as the patient or if you touch items that have been contaminated.
Risk factors
What increases my risk for tinea cruris?
Everyone can get tinea cruris. However, the risk will be higher for those of you who have the following factors.
- Gender, men are more at risk of developing this condition than women.
- Excess body weight, overweight people have more skin folds, which is the best climate for fungal infections, including tinea cruris.
- Sweating easily, if a person sweats frequently, their skin is more at risk for fungal growth.
- Younger age, adolescents are more likely to experience this condition.
- Often use clothes and tight underwear, tight clothing traps moisture and creates a favorable environment for mold growth.
- Have a weak immune system, people with weak immunity are less likely to develop yeast infections.
- Have diabetes, people with diabetes are more at risk for skin infections, including tinea cruris.
Drugs & Medicines
How is tinea cruris diagnosed?
Usually, a dermatologist can diagnose this disease simply by looking at the appearance and location of the rash. During this examination, the doctor will also ask you about other symptoms that you feel.
If it turns out that further examination is still needed, the doctor will perform a procedure in the form of taking a scaly skin sample (biopsy) to be examined in the laboratory for the presence of fungi.
How is the treatment?
If the condition is mild, the doctor will only advise you to use ringworm medicine in the form of an antifungal cream or ointment that can be purchased at a pharmacy without using a prescription.
These antifungal drugs usually contain substances such as terbinafine, miconazole, or clotrimazole which function to inhibit fungal growth.
At the time of use, apply the drug in accordance with the rules listed on the packaging. Don’t forget to clean the affected area before applying the medicine. Keep using the medicine even though the symptoms have started to disappear to make sure the fungus has been killed completely.
If the condition does not improve or if the rash is more severe, the doctor will prescribe a stronger topical medication. Doctors also give oral drugs such as itraconazole (Sporanox) and fluconazole (Diflucan). Usually, these medications must be taken for a long time.
Oral antifungal medications may cause unpleasant side effects, such as stomach upset and headaches. If you are uncomfortable with the side effects, discuss them with your doctor.
Tinea cruris usually resolves within a few weeks. Treatment for more severe infections usually takes a month to two months.
Home care
What are the home treatments for this condition?
Here are lifestyle and home skin treatments that can help you deal with tinea cruris.
1. Keep the affected area dry
Always dry your genital area and inner thighs with a clean towel after showering or exercising. You can also use powder around your groin to prevent excess moisture.
2. Wear clean clothes
Change your underwear at least once a day or more if you sweat excessively. Wash your sports clothes after use.
3. Do not wear clothes that are too tight
Make sure you wear clothes that are loose enough and not too tight, especially underwear, athletic clothing, and sportswear.
Avoid clothes that can cause excess friction between the fabric and your skin. Better to choose clothes with materials that are easy to absorb.
4. Not sharing personal equipment
Don’t let other people wear your personal clothes and equipment, such as towels. Don’t also borrow other people’s things. This is to avoid disease transmission due to fungi attached to these objects.
If you have any questions, consult your doctor for the best solution to your problem.
Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.