How to use and remove the Menstrual Cup without the hassle

Later menstrual cup much sought after by women to replace the function of disposable sanitary napkins. Apart from being more economical, this means of collecting menstrual blood is also considered because it helps to minimize the amount of environmental waste. However, the lack of information on questions menstrual cup makes many women still hesitate to wear it. So that you are no longer confused or afraid, let’s first look at how to put on and take off menstrual cup.
Use a menstrual cup, is it safe?
Yes. Menstrual cup has been proven safe to use as an alternative to sanitary napkins. So, no need to be afraid to use it. Menstrual cup will not bring harm to you if used properly.
If the way to wear it is right, you don’t even feel like you’re wearing it menstrual cup.
How to use menstrual cup
Menstrual cup is a funnel-shaped device which has two main parts; a holding cup and a thin rod underneath. The thin stalk will make it easier for you to pull menstrual cup when about to be released.
Before using it, read carefully the instructions for use that are included in the package. Especially if this is the first time for you. Then, wash and sterilize menstrual cup according to the instructions listed.
After everything is ready, wash your hands with soap and running water. Open your feet shoulder width apart, then lift one leg up on the toilet seat or the edge of the tub for example.
How to enter menstrual cup first fold the top of the cup, then push to insert it into the vagina. If you have trouble fitting it up while standing, try squatting down.
Use water based lubricants to help lubricate menstrual cup if this is your first time wearing it.
If the method above is still difficult enough, try a few tricks below:
C-fold or U fold
Press the sides of the cup until the lips form an oval. Then, fold the rim of the cup again in half so that it looks like the letter C or U. Next, slowly insert the folded cup into your vagina.
Punch down fold
Place your finger on the top edge of the cup and push it into the center so that it forms a triangle. Then insert the cup into the vagina, slowly.
7 fold
Press the body of the cup from both sides so that it forms an oval. Then, fold one side down diagonally so that it looks like a figure 7. Once the edge of the cup is in, push the cup into the vagina until the entire cup and rod are in.
Either way, you should then confirm the cup or cup in an open state after being inserted so that menstrual blood does not leak. The way to make sure is to hold the base of the cup and then rotate it one full circle slowly.
How to remove a menstrual cup
After the challenges of wearing it have passed, there will be other challenges that need to be faced to remove it. For beginners, either how to put on or take off menstrual cup becomes a challenge in itself that often makes you horrified.
In order not to take a wrong step, first position your body as if you were squatting. This position will make it easier for the cup to be pushed by the muscles in the vagina so that it is lowered and easy to reach.
Then use your forefinger and thumb to feel into the vagina to pinch the stem of the cup. After holding the stem, gently pull it down while pinching the base of the cup so that the blood doesn’t spill.
Sometimes, finding the stem of a cup is not as easy as it seems especially at the beginning of use. But the key is to stay calm and take deep breaths. Don’t panic when you have a hard time letting go. Menstrual cup will not disappear or go too deep into the uterus.
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