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Chicken Breast, Wings, Thighs, Which is Higher in Protein?

Breast, Wings, or Thighs, Which Part of the Chicken is Higher in Protein?

Chicken is one of the most commonly used food ingredients. Chicken is also very popular among fitness enthusiasts because it is a high source of protein. However, the chicken has different parts, there are chicken breasts, there are upper thighs, lower thighs and also wings. Each of these parts turns out to have a different protein and fat content, you know! Don’t make the wrong choice, adjust it as needed.

Chicken breast

chicken breast

Chicken breast is a piece of chicken that is low in fat but high in protein. In 100 grams of ripe skinless chicken breast contains 31 grams of protein.

In 100 grams of chicken breast also contains 165 calories, 80 percent of the calories come from protein, and 20 percent of the remaining calories come from fat.

This breast meat is the most popular for sports activists who want to build a more muscular body and for those who want to lose weight. The reason is, this meat is high in protein, but the calories are not too big compared to other parts of the chicken.

Chicken thighs

Chicken thighs are usually relatively cheaper than chicken breasts. In 100 grams of upper thigh without skin and bones, there are 26 grams of protein.

This upper thigh also contains 209 calories in 100 grams. Of these calories, 53 percent comes from protein, and the remaining about 47 percent comes from fat.

The color of the upper thigh is usually slightly darker than the chest, because this part is the active part and contains more myoglobin.

Even though it’s darker, this part is one of the most popular parts of the world, you know!

Chicken thighs (drumstick)

Going down again to the bottom of the chicken, under the upper thighs there is the lower thigh which is often referred to as the drumstick. The shape of this chicken cut does resemble a slightly fat drum.

In 100 grams of skinless and boneless chicken thighs contains 28.3 grams of protein and 172 calories.

Based on calories, 70% of these calories come from protein, and 30% come from fat. Maybe you are wondering, from these calories, the protein looks more dominant than the fat, even though chicken thigh meat is famous for its fat. This is because the content is seen as the muscle or flesh without seeing the skin.

Well, the truth is people who eat thigh meat drumstick not just consuming the meat part. Often times, the part of the skin that covers the entire thigh is also eaten.

If like this, the calories can be higher. One whole chicken thigh with bones and skin can contain 112 calories, with 53% coming from protein, and 47% coming from fat. Fat and protein are not much different, right?

Chicken wings

In 100 grams of chicken wing meat without the skin and bones contains 30.5 grams of protein, and 203 calories. Of these 203 calories, 64% comes from protein, and the remaining 36% comes from fat.

However, most people don’t just eat the meat on this part of the wing, because in one wing itself the meat is very little.

Like when people eat the lower thighs, usually the chicken wings will be eaten as well as the skin that covers them.

One medium sized chicken wing contains 99 calories, with 39% of the calories coming from protein, and 61% coming from fat. In the wings, skin and bones are more dominant than meat or muscle parts, so the calories from chicken wing fat are greater because they have a lot of skin.

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