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Benefits of Turmeric for Dental Health (Psst .. Can Prevent Oral Cancer!)

Brushing Teeth Using Turmeric Turns Out to Cure Tooth Pain

Turmeric, which has been the main ingredient of traditional herbal medicine to treat diarrhea, can also be used to maintain dental health. He said, brushing your teeth with turmeric can cure pain due to sensitive teeth after eating or drinking something that is too cold. Are you curious about the benefits of turmeric for teeth? Listen in this article.

Various benefits of turmeric for healthy teeth

The benefits of turmeric for everyday life are numerous, including for dental health. For thousands of years, turmeric has been used as a natural food coloring, flavoring and herbal medicinal herb.

The main component contained in turmeric is curcumin. This component has antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve gum inflammation and toothache. In addition, this component is also able to reduce pain due to sensitive teeth. Even in research published in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology shows that turmeric can be a traditional mouthwash to treat gingivitis.

Not only that, the curcumin content in turmeric has been found to have anti-cancer properties that are linked as a way of treating and preventing oral cancer. Recently, researchers revealed that nanoparticles rich in turmeric extract could actually kill oral cancer cells that have been shown to be resistant to chemotherapy treatments.

How to use turmeric to treat teeth

Turmeric for toothpaste? Hmmm .. logically it seems difficult to accept. The reason is, even turmeric stains on the skin are difficult to remove, especially if they hit the teeth? Eits calm, it turns out that the yellow effect of turmeric will not stick to the teeth, on the contrary it will help your teeth look white.

You can use baking soda and coconut oil as a mixture to make turmeric toothpaste. Turmeric and baking soda both have sandpaper-like file properties that can help whiten teeth and treat gum infections. Meanwhile, coconut oil functions to kill bacteria and plaque lodged on the teeth. Therefore, this recipe can be the answer to your yellow teeth problem. Here’s how to make turmeric toothpaste.


  • 4 tbsp turmeric powder
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons baking soda

How to make:

  • Prepare a small container, then mix all ingredients and until evenly distributed and become a paste
  • Store it in a cool temperature to get a solid paste texture
  • Then, rub this paste on your teeth for 2 minutes
  • Rinse using clean water until the yellow color disappears
  • Do this treatment regularly once a week for maximum results

The best thing about using coconut oil and turmeric as toothpaste is that they are easy to afford because they are in the kitchen and don’t have the side effects of other teeth whiteners. The reason is, sometimes whitening teeth can cause brittle teeth, pain and thinning of the gums because of the chemicals in the bleach.

As well as making toothpaste, you can also roll the paste in gauze and slip it into your mouth. The trick, mix turmeric powder with water or coconut oil until all mixed. Then roll the paste in gauze and apply it every night to the affected area.

But, don’t carelessly brush your teeth with turmeric

Turmeric has long been considered a safe, non-toxic, and very effective herbal remedy for accelerating the healing process. However, even though turmeric is a natural herbal remedy, the use of turmeric in large doses can cause indigestion.

Children, pregnant and lactating women, women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer, people with congestive heart problems and people suffering from gastritis, gallstones, diabetes and blood clotting disorders should first consult a doctor.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.