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8 Amazing Benefits of Seaweed for Health

For those of you who like foods such as sushi or onigiri, you are definitely familiar with the alias seaweed seaweed. However, did you know that seaweed is not only delicious, but also beneficial for health? Check out an explanation of the nutritional content and benefits of seaweed for health.

Seaweed nutritional content

Seaweed or seaweed get into the group algae and consists of several types such as brown algae, red algae, and green algae.

The food served with this seaweed mostly comes from Asia.

Not only does it have a unique taste, the nutritional content of seaweed is quite diverse.

Here are the nutritional facts and composition of seaweed to quote from Panganku, namely:

  • Calories: 41
  • Water: 87 grams
  • Carbs: 8.1 grams
  • Fiber: 2.2 grams
  • Calcium: 80 mg
  • Phosphorus: 20 mg
  • Sodium: 250 mg
  • Potassium: 380 mg
  • Beta carotene: 1958 mcg
  • Vitamin C: 7 mg

What are the benefits of seaweed?

the benefits or efficacy of seaweed

Seaweed is also called sea vegetable or marine vegetables. Having a different taste from other vegetables, it really arouses the taste buds of fans.

Not only is it delicious, the nutritional content in the form of fiber, minerals and vitamins is also beneficial for the body.

Check out some of the benefits or benefits of seaweed for body health, including:

1. Helps maintain or lose weight

Some types of seaweed, such as brown seaweed, contain pigments fucoxanthin, which can help accelerate metabolism and convert fat into energy.

This is confirmed by a study on Fucoxanthin from edible seaweed.

It was explained that alginate (a natural fiber found in brown seaweed) can help about 75% to block the absorption of fat in the intestine.

There is also a fiber content in seaweed which is useful for making you full longer, thereby delaying hunger.

2. Helps accelerate wound healing

The benefit or efficacy of seaweed that is no less important is to help wounds heal quickly.

This vitamin K-rich seaweed works together with platelets – the type of cells that can form blood clots or clots.

This type of vitamin is present in any type of seaweed, but the vitamin K content in green seaweed is less.

3. Maintain strong bones and teeth

Seaweed also contains calcium which is useful for maintaining strong bones and teeth.

Moreover, the human body cannot produce calcium by itself.

Not only that, maintaining calcium intake can also help maintain heart, muscle and nerve function.

4. Increase energy

Another content found in seaweed is iron. The benefit that you can get is to produce energy to stay active.

The iron in seaweed is also useful for forming hemoglobin, red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body.

Therefore, a body that has adequate iron intake can also prevent anemia because hemoglobin levels are balanced.

5. Reducing the risk of diabetes

Other benefits or properties found in seaweed are to help reduce the risk of diabetes.

This is because of the content fucoxanthin on seaweed which is useful for improving blood sugar balance.

Then, there is also a form of content alginate which can also help prevent the increase in blood sugar levels.

6. Avoid swelling of the thyroid gland

The iodine content in seaweed has benefits or properties to maintain a healthy thyroid.

Thyroid problems can cause several symptoms such as weakness, muscle weakness, and high cholesterol.

Even in severe cases, it can cause serious medical conditions such as goiter, palpitations, and impaired memory.

7. Against free radicals

There are various types of minerals and vitamins contained in seaweed, such as magnesium, zinc, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, vitamins A, B12, B6, and C.

This is an ingredient that has anti-oxidant compounds, carotenoids, and flavonoids that are useful for protecting the body from cell damage.

Not only that, the anti-oxidant compounds and flavonoids from seaweed also help prevent the body from experiencing heart disease and diabetes.

8. Prevent the risk of heart disease

The anti-oxidant compounds in seaweed are useful for preventing the risk of cell damage in the body as well as heart disease.

There are also other ingredients such as potassium and fucan which can reduce the risk of other heart disease causes.

For example, reducing the increase in cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and the risk of blood clots.

How much should you eat seaweed?

Too much consumption of seaweed can cause excessive iodine in the body. Therefore, you should limit your intake of seaweed.

For those of you who suffer from hyperthyroidism – an overactive thyroid gland – you should avoid it, because iodine will stimulate the thyroid even more.

Seaweed can also absorb minerals in the sea, where they live.

This plant may absorb arsenic and other heavy metals, so if consumed in excess, of course it will not be good for health.

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