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Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth, How to Choose?

Often feel sore after eating or drinking cold drinks? It could be that you have sensitive teeth. So that it doesn’t get worse, from now on, use the appropriate toothpaste. No need to be confused, this is an easy way to choose the right toothpaste (toothpaste) product for sensitive tooth owners.

Why are teeth sensitive?

treat sensitive teeth

Not everyone has sensitive teeth. Head of the Health, Wellbeing and Professional Institution Division Unilever Indonesia Foundation, drg. Ratu Mirah Afifah GCClinDent., MDSc., Stated that sensitive teeth are usually caused by exposed dentin (the layer underneath the enamel).

“There are two main causes of open dentin, first, gum recession or reduction that occurs due to gum disease and the wrong way to brush your teeth coupled with an improper toothbrush. The second is the erosion of the enamel layer due to erosion due to consumption of sour drinks, “said drg. Ratu Mirah when met at the 2021 Dental Expert Forum at Grha Unilever, BSD, Monday (8/4).

If gum recession and enamel erosion occur due to any of the above, the dentin will automatically open. Dentin is a part of the tooth that is hollow and connected to the tooth nerves. It is the external stimulation that hits the dentin which makes the teeth more sensitive.

Therefore, the main characteristic of sensitive teeth is a sense of pain that appears suddenly. This condition can be temporary or even chronic, causing pain and discomfort.

This sensation appears especially when the teeth receive cold, hot, and acid stimuli from the food and drink you consume.

It is important for sensitive teeth owners to use special toothpaste

According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2013, as many as 26% of the entire population in Indonesia have dental and oral health problems. Oral and dental disease also ranks 6th in the list of health problems that Indonesians complain of.

Most importantly, did you know that this oral health problem ranks 4th in terms of the most expensive disease to treat?

Therefore, owners of sensitive teeth must immediately take action to overcome the problem of sore teeth, not to let it drag on until the condition is already severe.

There are many reasons why you shouldn’t ignore sensitive teeth. The pain in the teeth cannot heal on its own. He will keep coming back if it is not handled.

Besides being able to disrupt your activities, caring for sensitive teeth is important to prevent hypersensitive dentin, aka very sensitive teeth.

If you are hypersensitive, let alone food, when your mouth is open and exposed to the wind, it can be very painful and painful.

Before it’s too late, treat your sensitive teeth as best you can. The first step you can take is to replace your toothpaste with toothpaste specifically for sensitive teeth.

What is the difference between regular toothpaste and toothpaste for sensitive teeth?

Unlike regular toothpaste, toothpaste for sensitive teeth contains various ingredients to reduce tooth sensitivity, for example potassium nitrate or strontium chloride.

The way toothpaste works for sensitive teeth is to protect the nervous system in the teeth from food and drinks that enter the mouth, while blocking pain signals.

Of course, toothpaste for sensitive teeth cannot be used only once. In order to be completely free of sensitive teeth and avoid feeling sore when eating cold or sweet foods, you have to brush your teeth with special toothpaste for sensitive teeth every day.

How to choose toothpaste for sensitive teeth

Do not confuse sensitive tooth care and that is not especially in choosing toothpaste. Try to choose toothpaste or toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Before buying it, make sure the product you buy contains the following three main ingredients, namely:

1. Potassium citrate

Potassium citrate (potassium citrate) is one of the important ingredients that need to be in toothpaste for sensitive teeth. When met at the event presented by Pepsodent, drg. Mirah stated that Potassium Citrate was able to relieve pain in just 30 seconds.

These potassium ions act by blocking synapses between nerve cells thereby reducing nerve stimulation and pain in the area.

The same statement is also mentioned in a study published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology. In this study it was stated that potassium citrate, cetylpyridinium chloride, and sodium fluoride able to relieve hypersensitivity due to dentin, plaque and gingivitis.

2. Hydroxyapatite

Hydroxyapatite is a substance that also needs to be in toothpaste or toothpaste for sensitive teeth. This is because Hydroxyapatite is a major component in healthy bones and teeth.

This one component helps the tooth enamel remineralization process. This means that this substance is able to restore tooth minerals that are lost or damaged by acid erosion, which is the main cause of sensitive teeth.

Not only that, this substance can also restore minerals to the enamel, making your teeth fully protected again.

3. Zinc citrate

With regular and continuous use, zinc citrate proven to be able to relieve gum disease such as gingivitis or inflammation of the gums, which symptoms include bleeding gums. For that, make sure that the toothpaste for sensitive teeth that you buy also contains zinc citrate.

To make sure these three ingredients are in the product you choose, read the packaging label before buying it.

Use a brush with soft bristles

keep a toothbrush

Apart from toothpaste, the choice of toothbrush should not be ignored for sensitive teeth. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles so that it doesn’t hurt the gums easily. Also, buy a toothbrush according to the size of your mouth, not too big or too small.

After choosing the best brush and right toothpaste, make sure that you brush your teeth the right way. According to drg. Queen Mirah, there are still many people who brush their teeth the wrong way.

“For the upper teeth, brushing should be from top to bottom. Conversely, for the lower teeth, brush it from the bottom up. So, don’t brush it back and forth because this method makes the gums prone to injury, “said drg. Ratu Mirah, still with the Hello Sehat team.

Besides that, drg. Ratu Mirah also advises you to brush your teeth to the deepest part.

If any parts are not brushed off, plaque will automatically build up. Plaque buildup can cause gum disease, which causes the gums to become damaged and eventually become too sensitive.

You must do all of these treatments every day so you don’t have to worry about sensitive teeth anymore.

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