Recognize the Difference

Everyone must have felt anxious in his life. Why? Normally, anxiety is the body’s response to threats from the outside environment. When we feel threatened by a dangerous condition, the brain sends a command to the body to release a compound called adrenaline. Adrenaline creates a feeling of alertness and gives the body the strength to respond fight (attack) or flight (run). However, anxiety disorders cannot be considered ordinary anxiety, because it is a form of mental disorder.
What is an anxiety disorder?
Anxiety disorders or generalized anxiety disorder is excessive anxiety and occurs continuously, accompanied by symptoms that interfere with daily activities and productivity. The anxiety you experience is not worth the pressurewhich is actually experienced in life.
What are the symptoms and characteristics of an anxiety disorder?
Based on the Guidelines for the Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in Indonesia III, a person is said to have an anxiety disorder that can be enforced if:
- Sufferers exhibit anxiety that lasts almost every day for several weeks to several months, and does not only occur in certain special situations
- Symptoms include things like:
- Anxiety (worrying about bad luck, difficulty concentrating)
- Motor tension (restlessness, headache, inability to relax, shaking)
- Overactive nervous system (sweating, palpitations, stomach pain, headache, dry mouth)
- If it occurs in children, the sufferer will tend to be excessively fussy.
How can you prevent anxiety disorders?
1. Socializing with the surrounding environment
Solitude and isolation are vulnerable conditions that trigger anxiety. Prevent this vulnerability by interacting face-to-face with your closest friends or trusted people. Set aside time to meet regularly to share complaints and worries.
2. Perform relaxation techniques
Practicing relaxation techniques such as mind meditation, muscle relaxation, and deep breathing can reduce symptoms of anxiety and increase feelings of relaxation and emotional calm. In addition, don’t forget to worship God to get mental peace.
3. Regular exercise
Exercise is a natural anxiety reliever. Get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day. Rhythmic activities that involve the limbs, namely the hands and feet, can produce an optimal effect. Examples of these sports are running, swimming, or dancing.
4. Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep can exacerbate anxiety symptoms, so allow seven to nine hours of quality sleep a night.
5. Reduce consumption of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine
Alcohol and caffeine can make anxiety worse. Meanwhile, nicotine, which we encounter in the form of cigarettes, seems to have a calming effect. In fact, nicotine is a strong stimulus that increases anxiety levels.
6. Train the brain to stay calm
Worrying and worrying are mental habits that we can handle if we can recognize patterns and study their characteristics. Strategies such as positive thinking and learning to accept circumstances can significantly reduce anxiety.
After knowing the meaning, signs, symptoms and prevention, let’s get to know the signs of anxiety disorder as early as possible! Don’t hesitate to contact a healthcare professional if you, your friends or family develop similar symptoms.
“To be healthy as a whole, mental wellness plays a role.”
Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Ministry of Health, Directorate General of Community Health. Guidelines for classification of mental disorders diagnosis in Indonesia. 3th Ed. Jakarta: Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia, Directorate of Community Health Development; 2013.
Maramis WF Nerosa. Mental Medicine. Surabaya: Airlangga University Press; 2004. p. 250-62