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Dog Bitten? Overcome with the following 5 first aid steps

Dog bites can cause minor cuts or wounds that tear the inner layers of the skin. As with most types of animal bites, dog bites need to be treated with first aid. The reason is, the wound is at risk of infection due to bacteria in the dog’s saliva or mouth. In addition, being bitten by a dog also puts you at risk of contracting rabies

To avoid a fatal impact, know the emergency handling steps in the following review.

Danger from dog bites

Dogs usually will not bite if they are not irritated, threatened, fearful, or behaving in a violent manner because of rabies.

Therefore, you should be aware that a dog suddenly attacks you and then bites you.

The result of a dog bite leaves a hole in the skin like a stab wound. These sores usually come from the bite of the dog’s front teeth.

Dogs usually bite body parts such as hands, arms, legs, neck, or the head area.

In general, when viewed from the surface of the skin, open wounds caused by bites do not usually appear very serious. However, a dog bite can penetrate the deep tissue of the skin and damage it.

The deeper the dog bite, the bigger the impact, so you can experience external bleeding, and the wound will cause swelling and pain.

Moreover, according to the Cleveland Clinic, 50% of dog bites cause infection with several bacteria, such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pasteurella, and Capnocytophaga.

The following are some of the effects you may experience from dog bites.

In addition, animal bites can also cause blood poisoning (sepsis), infection of the inner lining of the heart (endocarditis) or infection of the outer lining of the brain (meningitis).


First aid when bitten by a dog

This type of wound caused by a dog bite that is deep enough requires medical attention to treat it completely. Especially if it is known that the dog is infected with the disease.

However, when you or someone else is bitten by a dog, you can perform first aid at home to prevent the harmful effects of the injury.

Follow the steps for proper and safe handling of dog bites as below.

1. Clean the dog bite wound

picture of a wound type wound on the skin

When bitten by a dog, make sure you release the bite immediately and stay away from the animal to avoid being bitten again.

After the bite has dislodged and the wound is bleeding, stop the bleeding by pressing on the wound with a clean bandage or cloth.

Next, clean the wound using running water and soap for a few minutes. You can use a cloth or cotton ball to rinse the wound so it is cleaner.

2. Find out the dog’s history of infection

how to prevent rabies

As explained, being bitten by a dog can put you at risk for several infectious diseases, including rabies.

This disease is very dangerous because it can cause paralysis of the nervous system.

Therefore, try to find out who owned the dog who bit you to ask about the dog’s vaccination history.

If the dog has been vaccinated against rabies, you will avoid the dangers of this disease.

However, if you are biting a stray dog ​​without an owner, watch for signs of rabies in the dog. Rabies usually makes the dog more violent, agitated and bubbly saliva.

Immediately consult a doctor to get a rabies vaccine if there is an indication that your dog is infected with the virus that causes rabies.


3. Apply antibiotic ointment and a bandage

How to deal with torn wounds

After cleaning the wound from being bitten by a dog, You can apply an antibiotic ointment such as one containing bacitracin, neosporin, or polysporin.

Wait for the ointment to dry and soak into the wound, then protect it with a clean bandage or gauze. This aims to kill the bacteria that can cause infection in the wound.

Usually the wound will cause pain and swelling, causing you pain.

To reduce the pain of being bitten by a dog, consume it pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

4. Go to a doctor

implementation of the Indonesian covid-19 vaccine

Dog bites usually don’t cause sores that require stitches, but they can get worse if left untreated even after dressing and treating the wound.

This is because a dog bite that is deep enough can cause a bacterial or viral infection. Therefore, you should monitor the condition of the wound to see any indication of infection.

Based on the book Wound Home Skills KitThe following are signs that indicate an infection in the dog bite wound.

  • The wound was more painful than the first time.
  • The wound becomes red and swollen around the bite.
  • Discharge or pus from the bite wound.
  • Has a fever of 38 C or more and has chills.

If you experience some of the symptoms above, get the bite wound checked by a doctor. In medical treatment, doctors will provide treatment through antibiotics.

However, if it is found that your dog is infected with rabies, the doctor will give you an injection of the rabies vaccine.

You should also tell your doctor about your tetanus vaccine history. If it’s been more than 5 years, your doctor may need to give you a tetanus shot.

How to avoid dog bites

rabid dog

Watch for signs that your dog is about to bite. Dogs usually show that they don’t want to be disturbed, with the following gestures.

  • The dog will show its teeth while staring at you
  • The hair on the dog’s back will rise to a stand
  • The dog’s ears will move backwards against the head or forwards
  • The dog’s legs will stiffen up

If you think the dog is going to bite you, it’s best not to run, but try to be as calm as possible. Also avoid showing fear of dogs.

Do not look directly into the dog’s eyes, or the dog may think you are going to attack him. Walk slowly while looking the other way.

If you walk up to the dog, take a moment to pause and turn your attention to something else. Over time the dog will not perceive you as a threat.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.